Monday, February 27

summertime cookout

friday night, i was a super star and was in bed before midnight. what can i say - it was a long week.

saturday i had a job meeting, but nothing exciting. j drove around for the hour i was in the meeting. remember all the snow and accidents? that was what he was out in. crazy fool. saturday night we went to the fox and feather with some friends. i had a great time. honestly. i was so glad i went.

sunday was a shopping day. we went to bayshore and got j some much-needed jeans. then it was dinner at gramma's (typical sunday fare) and out for groceries.

among all that excitement (i'm not actually very exciting) i was able to knit lots. i'm learning new things. i want to make a cat bed, but i need real wool, none of this acrylic crap that i usually use, and baby booties or something. not for me.

today is my only full day of work this week. tonight we pick up s from the airport and start a 5-day adventure that is her looking for permanent employment in the city and me being chauffeur. nice.

Thursday, February 23

what's on your mind? spit it out

we went to the gym last night. i wore my lululemon pants. they really are the greatest work out pants ever. they make me feel sexy and they make me look good and they keep me dry even though i'm sweating like a pig. i'm very close to being addicted.

news on the australia trip: i'm going! i haven't booked my tickets yet, but i found out the ticket prices for sure and we can afford it. yay!yay!yay! i'll be gone for three weeks, maybe 4. i'm going to start seriously looking into things. i know that i for sure want to see the great barrier reef, which is north, and the girl i'll be staying with is south, still on the east coast, but south. i!am!so!excited!

i should find out soon about my contract. i know that i wasn't going to accept any more extensions, and my whole mindset has changed since i decided that. and it's become more bearable. weird, eh? so, i don't quite know what i'm going to do, but i'm more open-minded about it now. i think it helps that i have a ton of work to do so i'm busier.

oh, and last night i gave in my registration (and cheque) for the 10K race in may! i am officially in. so i have to start officially training. i've never (not once) ran 10K. last year, when training for my 5K, i was running 8K (5 miles = 8 kilometers - won't make that mistake again!) so i know i can do that. my goal though, is to 1) run the whole race. no walking. and 2) run the whole race in an hour or less. i don't know yet if that's do-able, but i'm going to try.

good news (seems like there's lots of good news today): i have most of next week off work. s is coming to town monday night, so i'll work monday. she's leaving friday morning so i'll work after i drop her off at the airport. perfect.

Wednesday, February 22

8 days a week isn't enough to show you i care

thanks again to both alan and richard who helped me figure out this damn blog. just when i was starting to think i knew a thing or two....

i've been listening to album launches on iceberg radio. it's a nice break from just music, but it isn't too distracting to not let me concentrate on work.

i had a little chat with the temp working upstairs. he basically thinks i'll all set for getting a permanent job in the government because i'm young. it's nice to hear that, but can't i be pessimistic for a minute?? i'm in a really grrr mood so just watch out.

we bought a team canada sweatshirt for my dad for his birthday. i was really impressed with the quality of the team canada gear. nice and thick sweatshirts. j, maybe this is a hint!

hey, i have most of next week off! how sweet is that?? i emailed my boss about two weeks ago asking to have the week off. she fired off a simple email saying "no". i was pissed. but then she came and talked to me and we agreed that i would work monday and friday afternoon. perfect. j's sister is getting to town monday night and leaving friday morning. it's perfect. damn perfect.

the book i'm reading is really interesting. the main character reconstructs faces from skulls. he gets a skull and reconstructs his own face. then the whirlwind of him finding out he has a twin brother who was an assassin for the cia and was in the middle of a super important field operative in mexico. so, off he goes to mexico and has to be his brother that he never knew and convince scary people that he is his brother, and finally must kill the bad guy. i can't imagine having all that thrown in my face and not losing it just a little. okay, maybe completely losing it and crying like a baby with overwhelming dread. honestly. think about it.

i think we are very desensitized to violence and death from tv and movies and the internet and even the news, but when it actually happens to you it's a whole nother story. this time last year, i was driving home from work where two lanes changed to one. you know when you're in the driving zone and you're just driving. well i was in the lane that kept going and there was a car beside me who apparently thought i should have done something to let him in. me: lalalalala. him: *honk* *shaking fist* *yelling at me* i can't quite remember now, but i think i flashed my brights at him at the next stop light or something. he got out of his car. i locked my doors and turned up the music. i was in the right and there was no way i was opening my window to hear anything he had to say. the light turned green i drove on. he scrambled back to his car and proceeded to hassle me. i finally lost him but i didn't go straight home. i was really worried he was going to find me and follow me home. so, all that to tell you that i was so high on adrenaline that lasted for hours. i was pumped about it all night and for days afterwards. and that situation had nothing to do with death at all. i don't know how i would ACTUALLY react to violence/death/whatever else gory. hmmm.

Tuesday, February 21

devious smiles afar

i did a step class last night. i am much less sore than last time, but i did my own stretching afterwards. it's amazing how we develop routines, be it the order in which we stretch or the hand we use to brush our teeth, and these routines help us maintain our bodies or simply get through the day. mixing it up, with regards to the hand you use to do things, helps avoid mental disorders later in life, or so i've read. i can imagine. it takes longer to accomplish simple tasks and more thinking.

being left-handed, i tend to do things with both hands, or at least don't favour a hand over the other. i know most people, aka right-handed people, are at a loss with their left hand. they really just can't do day-to-day things that most lefties can do with both hands. i'm not saying i'm a god when it comes to ambidextrousness (i don't even know if that's a word to tell you the truth), but i'm saying that i think being left-handed certainly has it's advantages. when i broke my left wrist, i was able to do most everything with my right hand, including write.

there are even some things i can't do with my left hand period. i can't use scissors. and believe me, i knew this way before my kindergarden teacher finally gave in and let me use the silver scissors instead of the green-handled ones. what a mess!

but there are some things that irk me. i was taught to eat properly, as in with the fork in my left hand and the knife or spoon in my right hand. i remember sitting in bayshore with my grandma learning about the proper way to eat. it took a while, but i can finally use a fork in my right hand, but i think it looks completely strange when people cut or spoon things with their left hand or use a knife with their left.

Sunday, February 19

heavenly weekend

it's been a good weekend. friday night was date night. j took me out for dinner after i stayed home all day "sick". we had a good dinner at chances r and then went home to watch the exocism of emily rose. it wasn't as scary as we were expecting, but still good. then j went to bed and i watched miss congeniality. that's a funny movie, but so stupid. i still want to see the second one.

yesterday, m and i trucked to montreal to find her a dress for her sister's wedding. we were successful in that she found a dress she really liked. we were unsuccessful in that she didn't buy said dress. i got home and showered and was then taken over to julie's where i scrapbooked the night away. but bed was calling. i slept for hours and hours and then i napped for hours and hours. needless to say, sunday, today, hasn't been very eventful. at least i still have the gym and groceries to keep me busy. i don't think i'll be getting to sleep very early tonight.

Wednesday, February 15

valentine's day day

you know how december 24th is christmas eve and then the 25th is christmas day. well boxing day should be christmas day day. so that would make today valentine's day day.

valentine's day was just another day. it's so completely a hallmark holiday. don't tell me which day to *love* someone more. i don't take crap like that. maybe it meant something when i was younger and fresh to relationships and that crap, but not anymore. i'm old and jaded, at least that's what i'm sounding like.

but no matter what you think about the "holiday" guys, don't dump your damn girlfriend on v-day. even i would be slightly offended. the day before - fine. the day after - even better (though explaining the lack of gifts/fancy dinner out/ sexy night in/ whatever it is people do (ass-less fishnet stockings is the best i've heard so far this year) would be hard). just don't do it the day of. girls don't like that. take my advice and help yourself from getting your reputation tarnished. even if you can't stop the asshole/small dick/smelly rumours, you can not be that ass who dumps his girlfriend on valentine's day.

valentine's day is for suckers.

Monday, February 13

government testing

all day saturday i was downtown writing tests for the government. i applied to an inventory thingy for environmental officers and after i submitted my application it made me choose dates for all sorts of tests. i had no clue what was going on. i chose everything. this was a while ago.

then, last thursday i remembered that all the tests were scheduled for saturday. i was downtown longer than i'm at work. it was a long day. and of course i went to bed late on friday night. but the testing is done and maybe i'll get a job out of it.

i just asked my boss for a week off. she won't let me have it. i only have four weeks left in my contract, but i'm finding myself completely lacking motivation. i figured some time off would help. i've had some pretty crappy luck with jobs recently. let's recap. this time last year i was working away on a huge report for the government. i wasn't thrilled or extremely busy, but i was gainfully employed. then my contract ended. i went on ei for 4 months until i found another job. i was there from june-october and hated every second of it. and obviously my boss didn't think much of me either because he asked me to leave about three months early. i had two weeks off before i started this job and we all know how happy i am here and how well i've been treated. i started here october 15th, which is just shy of 4 months ago. i 've taken one day off, other than stats.


i hope my boss isn't too surprised when i call in sick every day of that week i asked to have off. i'm on contract.

Friday, February 10

straight shooter

next time you see me, ask me why i'm a hiphop artist. cause i am, you know. and hiphop artists don't have babies.

Wednesday, February 8

whooo hooooo!

i'm quite excited about lots of things.

first, let's talk about knitting. i knit every week with my girls. we call it our s&b - or stitch&bitch - it's a nice break from the regular after-work-dinner-gym-rush of my life. usually i knit scarves. they're easy and usually quick and practical. last week, i finished my charity wool scarf (we got some wool and all made scarves and will give it all to the salvation army) and decided to try a knit-flat mitten pattern. the challenge is that it's not a scarf. i'm out of my element. but i'm having a good time and i'm learning things. eventually, i hope to be able to knit mittens in the round. ooohh, i'm so ambitious!

then, just today, m posts a link for kitty beds (this is a link) and i'm excited to try making one. i wonder if my kitties would like such a thing.. i can't see why not. and i would have to learn how to felt projects. exciting. and if it all works out, this is the perfect christmas present for next year ooooooohh!

now let's talk about finances. well, nothing specific. last night we met with somebody from primerica and right away he's found us a way to get $5000. sweet deal! and we don't even have to pay him. they do a complete financial assessment and work their tails off trying to get you out of debt so that they can make money off of you when you're saving and making money yourself. it sounds too good to be true, but i'm not lying. $5000 in my pocket! now that's enough for a trip to australia.

and finally, let's talk about my health. i'm only partly kidding. i went to the gym on sunday and again last night and i have to admit i'm glad to be back at it. i am sore yes, but i feel great.

my life's coming up milhouse.

(don't forget about Absolute Comedy March 8th. get your tickets early!)

Tuesday, February 7


remember that fundraiser i was talking about? well, it's here. we are hosting a fundraising night at Absolute Comedy (Preston near Carling)Wednesday, March 8th. i will be bugging you for the next month to buy tickets. they are only $5. show starts at 8:30. please please please let me know if you would like a ticket. i can promise you laughs and girls. what could be better?

Monday, February 6

my lovely lady lumps - check it out!

another weekend post! who's excited??? i am! i am!

friday night i went to fat tuesdays. i wasn't planning on going out, but since my montreal plans fell through, i had some time on my hands. i managed to drink a lot of beer. we went to honest lawyer next where i ran into dan, a guy i used to work with. he's so nice. then we went across the street to the drink. we managed to score a ride home and i stumbled in at 4am. i was the loudest tip-toeing drunk ever. it's amazing j managed to stay asleep through all of my thunder.

saturday night i was going to stay in. i even rented myself a movie (bewitched - i picked something j didn't want to see) and got cheese for nachos and ice cream. i was sitting on the couch, knitting with my kitties, watching the movie when j and richard came over. we decided to go out because it was a girl on my team's birthday. it was pouring and disgusting, but we made it downtown and went to on tap (since it's mardi gras everywhere was mega busy. everywhere except on tap). we didn't stay long and spent too much money on cover and coat check (thanks matt! i owe you lots of money!) and we didn't even manage to meet up with most of the girls. they were somewhere else.. i don't even know where yet.

no drinking saturday night, thankfully, and then sunday was a relaxing day. we finally made it to the gym. i'm happy to report that my abs are sore from my class and i feel good about myself. it had been much to long. j went out to watch the superbowl, but again, i got myself a movie and decided to stay in. i watched house of wax and have to say that i was pleasantly surprised with how deep it was, compared with what i was expecting. i wouldn't rank it up there with shawsank redemption or anything, but it wasn't the worst movie i've ever seen. i caught the last 8 minutes of the superbowl and was happy to see that it wasn't a blow-out - superbowls are notorious for blow-outs - and that pittsburg won. not that i really care.

Friday, February 3


i'm excited. my baseball team is going to be hosting a fundraising night at absolute comedy in just over a month! we haven't decided on ticket prices yet, but definitely between $5 and $10. don't worry - i will be sending you all an email begging you to come and support us.


Thursday, February 2

you know what i love?

you know what i love? when you first leave the house in the morning when it has snowed lightly the night before and there are tons of little cat prints and rabbit tracks all along your driveway. that makes me happy.

Wednesday, February 1

my horoscope

when i was younger i was a huge fan of horoscopes and read mine every day. then i realized how fake they are. sure, you can make generalizations for people based on their sign, but really, what does it all mean? some days my horoscope would be smack on while other days it would be so horribly off.

these days i read my horoscope every day during the week because it's right beside the sudoku puzzle in metro. i don't usually pay it much attention, but today it's right on. i particularly love the last line in it that says "you'll use a suitcase soon". right on!

too bad it didn't say something like "you'll quit your current job and find the job of your dreams that pays a huge fat salary. you'll win the lottery but chose to keep working because you love it so much. with your winnings, you take a luxury cruise - no interior cabin for you! - and your australia trip is paid for. all the leftovers you smartly tuck away into rrsp's and resp's for your future child(ren)'s education(s) and buy the house of your dreams and furnish it, only going to ikea because you want to, not because you must. want that shirt? go buy it! want another car? go get one!"