Friday, May 14

meetings are for chumps

yay for fridays! and muggy weather and smog. i saw kingston on the news last night.. very smoggy indeed. here it got real dark and threatened rain and tornado activity in some parts, but ended up raining for a solid 5 minutes. that didn't do much for the new grass seed.

i just scheduled myself three meetings for next week. this work thing is really starting to pick up. thank goodness for that. i won't be so terribly bored around here.

i have taken nup reading it's additive. i hate to admit it but the confessions make me feel good about my life. there are also some rather scary themes throughout the posts, including such things as a male/female leaving their spouse for a male/female/their sibling/their spouses' sister/brother. man, people are fucked up. i decided that if i were ever to post on that site i wuld chang my gramer so that no1 wuld reconiz me at all and u wuld nevr no. how's that?

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