Tuesday, July 27

bourne again

i'm really excited cause i get to see the bourne supremacy tonight.  last night i started rewatching the bourne identity.  i got through about half so i'll watch the second half before we go out tonight. 

in other news, juan and i went on a shopping spree at sportchek care of a gift certificate given as a wedding present.  it was tons of fun running around the store trying to decide what to buy.  we decided on a volleyball, a tennis racket for me (he already has one), a new basketball net (the actual net part), some new waterbottles and stuff that i can't think of.  i would really recommend shopping this way.  it's so much fun.  bottom line: get married so you, too, can reap the rewards of gift certificate shopping.  not-so-bottom line: gift certificates are good presents.  my birthday is (kinda) coming up. 

well work is getting better.  why, you ask.  it's because the boss realizes that the girls aren't getting along so i got moved upstairs where i can enjoy my days without seeing them at all.  i'm much happier up here. 

movies i want to see (badly): shrek 2, the village (not so badly), the whole ten yards, oceans 12 (is that out yet?), mean girls

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