Thursday, April 28

the rain that scared

this morning we (me and the two cats) were woken up by the rain. it sounded like all the windows were open and the downpour was drenching the house. not even one window was open so that was some torrential rain. good for the grass.

i have yet another movie to watch tonight. the laws of attraction. i have no idea how cheesy it will be, but i don't care. it was free and i'll probably only half pay attention anyway. last night/ this afternoon was eternal sunshine of a spotless mind. it was weird and someone mentioned that jim carrey's character was mentally challenged but i'm not sure he was supposed to be, but i kept thinking that.

tonight's weight circuit at the gym i used free weights for my arms. i'm sure i'm going to be real sore tomorrow since i already am. but good sore.

if you're in ottawa you want to come out next wednesday night. i know you do. so come to grace o'malleys on merivale and support my ball team. 100% lesbian-free!

holy hell batman!

so blogger was down earlier today when i thought of things to write about. that's life.

i tried my first RPM class at goodlife today (it's a spinning class). i've never sweat so much in my life. gross. but it felt good, despite me not really liking biking. i think i can learn.

the hours, it turns out, was pretty good. it was weird though, i didn't recognize nicole kidman until the credits. i kept waiting for a new character to come in. they did a really really good job with her prosthetic nose.

we got our baseball schedule today. looks like i'll have two games every week except two. i don't know if this is okay with me. i was hoping for a light summer... no work, baseball not so hardcore anymore, and then THIS! fuck, that's a lot of games. a lot of them are out of town too. erg.

my brother was in town last night and i ended up dd'ing for him and his friends. we went to the honest lawyer and the heart and crown. they were all really really drunk and really loud. i got home just after 3:30am and felt like i'd been out drinking and smoking all night. i passed out nearing 4 only to be woken up at 7:30 to go and take the car in. i felt awful. i think i'm getting old.

old schmold. i have a date this saturday night. and by date i mean that i'm going over to a girl's apartment and we're going to scrapbook. i AM getting old.

Monday, April 25

101 in 1001

i found a list of all the classics here, but i was surprised that mary shelley's frankenstein didn't make the cut. i thought it was a classic. but i guess i've already read it and i have a shitload of books to read now so that's okay.

i didn't go to the gym tonight. i just didn't feel like it. i'll go tomorrow for sure and thursday for sure. i think as long as i keep going at least three times a week i'll be okay.

i have to cut this short because i have to watch a movie tonight and i don't want to stay up too too late. it's the hours. i don't even know what it's about.

Sunday, April 24

blast off!

i have friends. friends going on trips. bon voyage to you!

we saw the interpreter two nights ago. it was good. i didn't realize till the end that nicole kidman's hair was straight for the whole thing. i'm a girl. i should notice these things.

we went out to see my parents tonight. the chicken was good. the times were also good. i called my brother while i was there. i'm looking forward to seeing him (for one night only) this week when he comes to town with four other (random) people.

i'm now through my 5th week of having a gym membership. i've fallen into somewhat of a routine. i have my weight circuit and the group classes too. i still haven't tried the cycling class but i'm told i should. i think i might run a 5K or 10K in the national capital race weekend. it's at the end of may. i'm hoping i can get in shape - running shape - by then. wish me luck!

i'm trying to think of a list of the classic books, you know, the must-reads. i would appreciate any suggestions from you.

Saturday, April 23

the changes, oh, the changes

i'm still working on this site, satisfying my need for change. i'm having trouble getting comments by blogger working, but i'll keep working on that. in the meantime, does anybody (richard) know how to right-align the counter (on the side-bar on the right)? i cannot figure it out. and, turns out, i didn't like that all consuming thing. it took too long for it to load and i use this page to look at all the blogs listed so that was not cool.

it's the weekend, what could be better? a weekend where it isn't raining? i agree.

we got some more furniture from ikea today so we spent a while putting it together. the great thing is that now we have a whole room that is all ours. no hand-me-downs. this shouldn't be such a big accomplishment, but it is.

Friday, April 22

i'm playing

all consuming is a website where you can list the books you're reading and the movies you're watching and so on. i'm messing around with the script but i don't know much about java so on the right you will see two things that i'm consuming, of the however many i have entered. i'll leave it as it is for now and try and keep it updated. by updated i mean to the last two movies and books, and albums when i get any.

i went to the canadian geographic presentation tonight at centrepointe theatre. it was a slideshow of pictures from trips around the edges of canada (the coasts) and live music to acompany the pictures. it was inspiring. but then i realized that i don't have any money (i have the time though!). then i realized that it's been a long time since i've had anything but negative money. at least the hole i dug by going to school is getting smaller (it's about half full). but it will be spectacular to one day owe nothing more on my line of credit. at least with the car i'm getting something out of the deal.

but i digress... the presentation was great and i can always dream about traveling across canada (and the world for that matter). i do hope to meet up with marianne this summer at some point at some location somewhere in canada.

shelley, a girl from high school, works for the company that runs the tours of the north and the coast of labrador and stuff (adventure canada) and was there tonight. it was really nice seeing her. she's in town now and again next weekend so hopefully we can meet up next weekend and talk for longer. she's such a nice girl.

i was also asked tonight about me making it out to toronto this summer and the plan is to go out there for a bunch of family stuff (jon's side) in august, but also to see some people. maybe i should start talking to people that are out that way to see if they want to meet up at all. i also got word about somebody's parents wanting us to come out to bc again this summer (circa july). i can't argue with a free plane ride.

so in an epiphany i had in the shower i've decided that traveling is all nice and good and likely not in my immediate future so i'm going to explore ottawa. that's right. i'm going to do all the touristy things while i'm not working so i can say i've done them. so anybody who wants to see a museum, or go see a band at the tulip festival - just let me know! and i'll keep you up to speed on when i'm going and where.

Thursday, April 21

tis the season

spring clean-up! this means my blog gets cleaned up here and there. it's probably been toooo long.

i had a run-around day where i decided that today was the perfect day to go around to all the places that i had to go to even though it was pouring. i guess it had to be done sometime.

so my family is back to usual and by this i mean we have rolo back. he didn't need surgery and seems to be doing well on different food. i'm glad it was that easy.

i'll think of more later.

Tuesday, April 19

it's all politics

i think almost every blog is saying something about the new pope. well i'm not going to. other than that. this just isn't that kind of site. go somewhere else for your news.

i haven't been feeling well today, but probably not as bad as rolo (our cat) who was given barium tablets today to track the movement through his body. if it's too slow he gets the knife. let's hope he's just puking for no reason, or something fixable with a diet change.

i had my last real french class tonight, well for this session. i'm going to do the next session which starts in two weeks because i can't do the two sessions in the summer (there's no way i could deal with french three nights a week). i don't know who could do that.

i was reading stuff last night, other blogs... yep. there is some pretty racey stuff out there. it kinda made me want to make an anonymous blog and just go for it, but then i realized that i don't have enough to say. i just don't lead that kind of life.

i need more fruit in my life.

Monday, April 18

more news on the cats.. and my weekend

rolo has to go back into the vet tomorrow. they might have to do "exploratory surgery". this is surgery where they go in and explore, looking for objects that might be blocking his stomach/intestine.

this weekend was pretty crazy for me. i'm not used to getting up early, being out of the house all day long, or being on my feet all day. all in all the show was fun and definitely a success. and my feet aren't sore anymore so i'm happy.

i'm off to the library in search of french novels and then to the gym for bodycombat (it's like cardio kickboxing) and body flow (pilates, tai chi and yoga all mixed into one) classes. then it's 24 tonight and then it's tuesday. hopefully there won't be much puke between now and tuesday.

Friday, April 15

my cats

i want to tell you about my cats. if you don't like cats, or my cats specifically, you are excused from reading this post.

we took rolo to the vet due to his vomiting everywhere. i already mentioned this. but he's home now and sandy - his sister, his very own flesh and blood - hates him. she hisses and swats at him whenever she gets close to him. and make no mistake: it is her who's getting close to him.

so we go along, rolo's been home for about 20 hours now. he obviously still smells bad because sandy is still hissing at him. usually when i'm at the computer i'll have both of them sitting on my lap. so naturally when i'm sitting here they both want to be on my lap but sandy isn't okay with this. i pick rolo up and hold him above her and she's fine with that. then i put him down so that they're beside each other (my lap isn't huge so they're touching). sandy starts smelling him and growling but then starts licking him at the same time. growling and licking. she's obviously torn.

i think the black eyed peas said it best: where is the love?

Thursday, April 14

sweeeeet! oh tax returns

we got our tax returns today. they were even bigger than we thought they would be. how sweet is that? it would be even sweeter if i didn't have debt still and could use the money for a trip or something like that.

i had to take our boy cat to the vet today. something about him not eating or drinking and puking all over the house. they were afraid he was dehydrated and pumped him full of liquid (through an IV no less) and now he has these pouffy pockets of skin under his front legs. it looks hilarious. and now the cats definitely aren't getting along. next time, they both go.

i want to welcome marianne to the world of blogging ( i look forward to reading all about your adventures.. i am definitely jealous of you and your upcoming trip. anyone else going on a trip that i should know about?


so many things are changing soon.

did i tell you that i fell UP the stairs twice the other day? i really hurt my wrist the second time too. i'm such an idiot.

today was a running around day. i got my name changed at some more places and got some things that i needed.. except groceries. i really dropped the ball on that one.

i need to start going to bed earlier so this weekend doesn't kick my ass (i'm working full days at the wedding show). but that doesn't start tonight because i want to watch a movie that's due back tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 12

boys meet the girls

i'm trying not to post so often to be like the people still in school. you know, the busy ones. but i AM busy... with french and the gym and my friends and housework.. okay, that last one's a stretch. i've decided that i'm not a very good housewife at all. i really really don't like doing housework and wish it would do itself or that we were rich enough to hire someone to clean everything. wouldn't that be nice.

baseball is starting real soon. our first tournament is before the end of the month (the 30th, but still) and then we're into league games two nights a week and a tournament here and there. that also means that the team fees are due soon. erg. if our society is breeding obese people, starting younger and younger, you'd think that someone should be paying ME to play. or paying for MY gym membership. it's weird how all the healthy things are so often more (and much more) expensive than the bad-for-you things. why is a cheeseburger a couple bucks, but a healthy pita (or something) at least 5? maybe the government should invest more money into healthy lifestyles and less into cleaning up after the weak. is that a bad opinion? is that really what i think?

Monday, April 11

time flies slow

naps! i napped twice this weekend. i haven't napped in forever. i forgot just how good it felt to fall asleep fully clothed on the couch in the sun with my kitties. mmmmm napping.

today was a super nice day out. we did some driving around in the new car and found a bike for me (meet disco) at sport mart. i'm excited to get biking and stuff. it's nice because i'm in much better shape now thanks to the gym so biking should be easier.

tomorrow my mission is to buy tickets for a friends' show.

Sunday, April 10

bermuda shorts! shorts!

oh god, i hate the bermuda shorts commercial from old navy.. or maybe it's the gap. i don't know. either way, it's awful.

i had a great time tonight. we had a night out for marianne's and alan's birthdays. and when i say night out i really mean a night in. we got pitas and watched a movie. it was fun though.

last night jon and i went to his coworker's house. again, it was a good time. we had pizza and played a trivia movie type game then watched some family guy.

holy crap it was so nice out today. when i went to the gym this morning it wasn't all that warm, but the rest of the day was beautiful. i like not-winter.

Thursday, April 7

crackers squared

last night was the competitive clubs banquet at carleton. it was fun enough. nice to see the girls again though i wasn't feeling very social. after that i went knitting as usual for a wednesday night. it was different this week though because we had cake. cake is always good.

today was not much of a day. i slept in and went to the gym and french class but i didn't do much else. we got so much french homework. i'm kinda glad there's only 2 weeks left, but i am thinking about signing up for the next session since i won't be able to do it during the summer (i can't handle three nights a week.. not with baseball and keeping my sanity). so that's that.

school's almost done so hang in there.

Tuesday, April 5

seeeee? seeeee?

quoi de neuf? i went to a body combat class last night (like cardio kickboxing) and i'm so sore today. but i went back to the gym to do my weight circuit. i ended up skipping my arms.

i also finalized a sponsorship scandal.. errr, deal with kelsey's. it's kinda crappy, but it's all they'll give us: a 10% kick back from everything we spend. it does include alcohol though. so, friends, please forgive me if i always suggest we go to kelsey's.

i watched cold mountain today. i didn't know anything about it ahead of time. i liked it fine, but didn't like how it lasted so long. and i was surprised by the nudity. guys: you want to get laid, grab this movie and last through the whole thing, you'll get to see some boobies and you'll wow your girl. well maybe. yeah, good luck with that.

Sunday, April 3

we lost

well we just lost in the finals. so hockey is done for me for the year. i think i played well enough, though i was on for two of three of their goals. ah well. now it's party time.

i watched raise your voice yesterday. you know, the one with hilary duff. where she sings. yeah that one. i actually found it pretty touching. i was surprised with myself.

what else? we got our taxes done today and i'm looking forward to the big fat return we'll be getting. so there, government. you take it away but then you give it right back. silly government.

i feel like i've been busy these days, but i haven't really. i had to do some running around to get my name changed finally. i still have more to do and an early start tomorrow morning will help. blah getting up early.

i'm driving myself crazy. i want to have a job. and i realized that my taxes next year are going to be harded to do with ei in the mix. at least it's free money right now.