i got my name in the paper! click here and do a ctrl F for my name. looks like i came in the first quarter of all the women and the first half of my group (women 20-24). it's weird how they place you according to the gun time (your absolute time - the time it took for you to get to the start line and then to the finish line) and not the time you took to get from start to finish. so those 5 minutes i spent waiting to get to the starting line cost me about seven hundred and fifty places. weird.
today was a weird day because jon was home sick. it was nice talking to a human instead of cats all day.
does today feel like friday to you too?
Tuesday, May 31
Monday, May 30
volunteering and recovering
i volunteered at the marathon yesterday morning. i was picked up well before 6am and we made our way downtown. luckily our station was not so much downtown and didn't take long to find. we were just before the 38th KM and worked the gatorade stands so we were giving out cups of gatorade to runners for hours and hours. the best part was when the runners thanked us for being there. i would have to say that the worst part was my not being able to fall asleep saturday night and waking up early and being on my feet for such a long time. would i do it again? likely. who wouldn't when they give you a sexy hat and bright orange t-shirt?
i slept like a baby last night. for a long time too. and today i've been busy doing laundry and other such things. i'm so exciting.
i slept like a baby last night. for a long time too. and today i've been busy doing laundry and other such things. i'm so exciting.
Saturday, May 28
the big race
well the big race has come and gone and i'm happy to report that i finished and i finished much faster than i thought i would. my time was just under 30 minutes (so there everyone who laughed at me!). and i realized why i was taking so long to do the run at the gym. the treadmills are in miles so i was running 5 miles (= 8K) in 60 minutes. now that i know i don't think my training will be the same.

some things i noticed: there were tons of people. so many that i had to walk at some parts. i like the whole timing chip part so you're racing against the clock, not the people around you.. well sorta.
there was a company on site who was engraving medals (everyone who finished got one) and i had mine engraved and i'm glad i did. now i can say that i've run a 5K race and i can start looking forward to more, and maybe longer races.
tomorrow i'm volunteering at the marathon. my ride will be here well before 6am and we're to have 3000 cups of gatorade poured by 8am. it's going to be a long morning, but very rewarding as we're the last of the water stations, at 35K (of 42.2K) so i'm really excited.
tomorrow will also consist of a nap possibly, a family barbeque, and baseball practice unless it pours. i'll tell you more about stuff later. and not so much about running next post, promise.

some things i noticed: there were tons of people. so many that i had to walk at some parts. i like the whole timing chip part so you're racing against the clock, not the people around you.. well sorta.
there was a company on site who was engraving medals (everyone who finished got one) and i had mine engraved and i'm glad i did. now i can say that i've run a 5K race and i can start looking forward to more, and maybe longer races.
tomorrow i'm volunteering at the marathon. my ride will be here well before 6am and we're to have 3000 cups of gatorade poured by 8am. it's going to be a long morning, but very rewarding as we're the last of the water stations, at 35K (of 42.2K) so i'm really excited.
tomorrow will also consist of a nap possibly, a family barbeque, and baseball practice unless it pours. i'll tell you more about stuff later. and not so much about running next post, promise.
Thursday, May 26
i'm getting nervous
i'm getting nervous for my race saturday. i'm not really sure why since i'm just doing this for myself and will be happy if i finish, which i expect to do. i don't care about my time or place, but i want to cross the starting line and the finish line (the last cross finishes the horsing line.. or something like that).
i'm not sure why i'm nervous though because i used to run cross country in high school, granted that was before i started drinking beer and before my metabolism slowed down and before a lot of other crap, and the longest i ever ran then was just over 4K. but the good thing is that i don't drink beer anymore and i've lost all the extra weight that came when i went away to school. i guess i'm just saying that i've come a long way and i just want to finish. i already have my heart set on doing a 10K later on this summer.
the other thing that's neat, and forgive me for going on and on about running stuff, is there's a club of people who run marathons. well, i'm sure there are lots of clubs like this, but the one i want to mention is one where it's a goal of the club to have all the members run a marathon on each of the 7 continents. or the run-a-marathon-in-all-the-states clubs. wouldn't that be neat?
my long-term goal, and i'm going to tell you because i know that i'm going to reach it someday, is to run a half-marathon and eventually a full marathon. and i'm going to do it for me and no one else.
i'm not sure why i'm nervous though because i used to run cross country in high school, granted that was before i started drinking beer and before my metabolism slowed down and before a lot of other crap, and the longest i ever ran then was just over 4K. but the good thing is that i don't drink beer anymore and i've lost all the extra weight that came when i went away to school. i guess i'm just saying that i've come a long way and i just want to finish. i already have my heart set on doing a 10K later on this summer.
the other thing that's neat, and forgive me for going on and on about running stuff, is there's a club of people who run marathons. well, i'm sure there are lots of clubs like this, but the one i want to mention is one where it's a goal of the club to have all the members run a marathon on each of the 7 continents. or the run-a-marathon-in-all-the-states clubs. wouldn't that be neat?
my long-term goal, and i'm going to tell you because i know that i'm going to reach it someday, is to run a half-marathon and eventually a full marathon. and i'm going to do it for me and no one else.
Wednesday, May 25
weird blogger
blogger was being weird yesterday and said that it couldn't find my blog on its server. oh well.
so who knew that 24 this week was 2 hours long and that it started at 8?? they didn't advertise that much and we were left not watching it since we missed the first hour and now we have to watch them both tomorrow night. so no one tell me anything that happens.
i've been on a scrapbooking kick. i scrapbooked three times by myself. i guess now that i have everything i need there's nothing stopping me. i also have all the pictures i want from this year printed and i started backwards in 2004 and already in april so not many more until i have all those too. i'm thinking i'm going to make a separate book for our trips to bc since we took so many pictures.
my race is this saturday. i think before i run another race i'm going to read up on how to train for races because i don't feel like i've done enough, but i don't know what else to do. so i'm kinda screwed. but there's another race on canada day that i'm hoping to do.
oh! our green day tickets came in the mail today! we're going to see green day! and yesterday i heard that kelly clarkson is coming to town in august. this is my second hint. *hint hint*.
we had one of our last S&Bs last night. it was fun. i found a good pattern for a yoga mat bag, but still can't figure out what they want me to do. stupid patterns. but i will knit something from a pattern so i have to learn! next week we're having S&B here and we're ordering pizza and watching a movie. knitting or not.
it's finally nice out today, but i slept in like it was my job and want to go to the gym and have other running around to do so i won't be outside tanning like i would like. i still have three months left of summer and no work so i'm sure i can get a good tan this year.
so who knew that 24 this week was 2 hours long and that it started at 8?? they didn't advertise that much and we were left not watching it since we missed the first hour and now we have to watch them both tomorrow night. so no one tell me anything that happens.
i've been on a scrapbooking kick. i scrapbooked three times by myself. i guess now that i have everything i need there's nothing stopping me. i also have all the pictures i want from this year printed and i started backwards in 2004 and already in april so not many more until i have all those too. i'm thinking i'm going to make a separate book for our trips to bc since we took so many pictures.
my race is this saturday. i think before i run another race i'm going to read up on how to train for races because i don't feel like i've done enough, but i don't know what else to do. so i'm kinda screwed. but there's another race on canada day that i'm hoping to do.
oh! our green day tickets came in the mail today! we're going to see green day! and yesterday i heard that kelly clarkson is coming to town in august. this is my second hint. *hint hint*.
we had one of our last S&Bs last night. it was fun. i found a good pattern for a yoga mat bag, but still can't figure out what they want me to do. stupid patterns. but i will knit something from a pattern so i have to learn! next week we're having S&B here and we're ordering pizza and watching a movie. knitting or not.
it's finally nice out today, but i slept in like it was my job and want to go to the gym and have other running around to do so i won't be outside tanning like i would like. i still have three months left of summer and no work so i'm sure i can get a good tan this year.
Sunday, May 22
smoke baby
i'm not going to see hawksley workman. i saw enough of him last year at the tulip festival. but have fun if you're going.
friday i did another 5K in preparation for the big race next saturday. you can go here and click on interactive map and see the course for my race. but then i tried to do a spinning class today and i didn't make it. ug. my plan for this week is to run at least one more 5K before saturday. we only have one baseball game and one practice so i should be good.
i bought more scrapbooking stuff because it was on sale at michael's. the store is dangerous. at least everything was on sale though. scrapbooking is an expensive hobby.
i have to go out and party like it's 1984.
friday i did another 5K in preparation for the big race next saturday. you can go here and click on interactive map and see the course for my race. but then i tried to do a spinning class today and i didn't make it. ug. my plan for this week is to run at least one more 5K before saturday. we only have one baseball game and one practice so i should be good.
i bought more scrapbooking stuff because it was on sale at michael's. the store is dangerous. at least everything was on sale though. scrapbooking is an expensive hobby.
i have to go out and party like it's 1984.
Thursday, May 19
new sparkle sticks for everyone!
i had some pretty weird dreams last night, but i've contacted everyone concerned and told them not to worry. i'm only kidding. obviously i've been thinking about someone recently and was prompted to contact them after having dreamt about them two times in one night.
we lost our game last night and i would like to say that it wasn't my fault but because of the full-of-himself ump we had behind the plate. we really should have won though. and tomorrow morning is the first of our morning practices. i might have to nap afterwards.
i can't believe there are only 2 more episodes of 24 this season. i didn't like how the season started off, but i'm happy with what's been going on for the past while.
today was mostly a day for laundry and reading and some driving around. i had a french class tonight that i didn't particularly like, but that's the first one this session. tomorrow i'm going to go to the gym for the first time this week. i'm going to run my 5K and tomorrow i'm going to do my step class and body flow class. i haven't decided what to do yet sunday but i'm sure i'll figure something out. i hate that i got bored with my workout. i have to switch it up so there aren't any more weeks off.
that's enough.
we lost our game last night and i would like to say that it wasn't my fault but because of the full-of-himself ump we had behind the plate. we really should have won though. and tomorrow morning is the first of our morning practices. i might have to nap afterwards.
i can't believe there are only 2 more episodes of 24 this season. i didn't like how the season started off, but i'm happy with what's been going on for the past while.
today was mostly a day for laundry and reading and some driving around. i had a french class tonight that i didn't particularly like, but that's the first one this session. tomorrow i'm going to go to the gym for the first time this week. i'm going to run my 5K and tomorrow i'm going to do my step class and body flow class. i haven't decided what to do yet sunday but i'm sure i'll figure something out. i hate that i got bored with my workout. i have to switch it up so there aren't any more weeks off.
that's enough.
Tuesday, May 17
oh team america
team america is out today on dvd. i'm on my way to the store now. the puking scene is the best one in the whole movie. movie night anyone?
this week is turning into a very full week, and i don't even work during the day. i guess a big thing is having baseball four times this week. last night we won our game, but not thanks to me. defensively i played like i usually do, but offensively i sucked. i think the pressure of being 4th batter got to me a little. we have another game tomorrow night in pakenham. who goes to pakenham for a game. answer: we do.
another reason is the gym. i'm trying to keep going as much as i did before baseball started, but it's not happening. this week, if all goes well, i should make it 4 times. not bad i guess. i think as long as i get there 3 times a week i'll be happy.
okay, running around time. groceries can't buy themselves.
this week is turning into a very full week, and i don't even work during the day. i guess a big thing is having baseball four times this week. last night we won our game, but not thanks to me. defensively i played like i usually do, but offensively i sucked. i think the pressure of being 4th batter got to me a little. we have another game tomorrow night in pakenham. who goes to pakenham for a game. answer: we do.
another reason is the gym. i'm trying to keep going as much as i did before baseball started, but it's not happening. this week, if all goes well, i should make it 4 times. not bad i guess. i think as long as i get there 3 times a week i'll be happy.
okay, running around time. groceries can't buy themselves.
Sunday, May 15
that's what i thought
i'm sore. i had practice tonight and i pitched for a bit afterwards so my whole left side is hurting. i knew it would though.
i had a good weekend. friday night we went out for dinner at the works, a burger place in westboro. i had never been and was amazed at the selection. i almost got the fruitloop, a burger with pear and pineapple and other fruit (i can't even remember now), but i chickened out and had the mcworks.
then yesterday i had another chicken burger but this time at my parents place because my aunt was in town from LA. it was nice to see her. i didn't get to see much of her last summer (or anyone else for that matter) around wedding time because everything was so crazy.
last night i went to julie's again to scrapbook. i'm getting better.. i got 5 pages done in 4 hours instead of 4. and, this is huge, i made a double page. you don't have to care if you don't want.
today was a driving around, checking out sales day, and getting cat litter cause we're all out. now it's relaxing time. i have my meeting tomorrow with a woman from altis so maybe i'll have a good-paying job soon.
i had a good weekend. friday night we went out for dinner at the works, a burger place in westboro. i had never been and was amazed at the selection. i almost got the fruitloop, a burger with pear and pineapple and other fruit (i can't even remember now), but i chickened out and had the mcworks.
then yesterday i had another chicken burger but this time at my parents place because my aunt was in town from LA. it was nice to see her. i didn't get to see much of her last summer (or anyone else for that matter) around wedding time because everything was so crazy.
last night i went to julie's again to scrapbook. i'm getting better.. i got 5 pages done in 4 hours instead of 4. and, this is huge, i made a double page. you don't have to care if you don't want.
today was a driving around, checking out sales day, and getting cat litter cause we're all out. now it's relaxing time. i have my meeting tomorrow with a woman from altis so maybe i'll have a good-paying job soon.
Thursday, May 12
this is how i learn
i have a funny story. i told you last time that jon went and met up with other mazda 3 owners and they talked and went on a cruise and hung out some more. we even have pictures. so i was driving with marianne near my place when this random guy waves at me. it was one of the guys from the meet! i laughed so hard. SO hard!
so since the last time we spoke i've played two baseball games. we won the first and lost the second. i played well both games and managed to scrape up my leg blocking a girl at third (good thing she was wearing rubber spikes and not metal ones) and i got gravel and dirt all down my shorts diving back to second. lots happens when you get on base almost every time. so far i'm having a great time and am looking forward to the rest of the season.
we missed 24 this week so i'm looking forward to seeing it tonight. i think after that, which is after french class, i'll go out to grace o'malley's again for andi's birthday. at least for a bit.
last night was knitting and i had a good time. i'm learning how to do all sorts of different stitches before i start another blanket. this one might not be as big, i'm thinking the 'throw' kind. 'throw' basically means 'little blanket' which means less time and effort.
what else what else. i'm going to go running tomorrow again in preparation for my race. they actually have an area where you can greet me when i finish. so if you're in town saturday, may 28th and want to see my all tired and sweaty then come out. i would love to see your smiling face at the finish line!
saturday night i get to scrapbook again! it's silly that i don't do it on my own when i have all the time during the day, but it's way more fun to do it with someone. so julie and i are getting together again. c'mon, be excited with me!
until next time. batman out (it's like seacrest out!).
so since the last time we spoke i've played two baseball games. we won the first and lost the second. i played well both games and managed to scrape up my leg blocking a girl at third (good thing she was wearing rubber spikes and not metal ones) and i got gravel and dirt all down my shorts diving back to second. lots happens when you get on base almost every time. so far i'm having a great time and am looking forward to the rest of the season.
we missed 24 this week so i'm looking forward to seeing it tonight. i think after that, which is after french class, i'll go out to grace o'malley's again for andi's birthday. at least for a bit.
last night was knitting and i had a good time. i'm learning how to do all sorts of different stitches before i start another blanket. this one might not be as big, i'm thinking the 'throw' kind. 'throw' basically means 'little blanket' which means less time and effort.
what else what else. i'm going to go running tomorrow again in preparation for my race. they actually have an area where you can greet me when i finish. so if you're in town saturday, may 28th and want to see my all tired and sweaty then come out. i would love to see your smiling face at the finish line!
saturday night i get to scrapbook again! it's silly that i don't do it on my own when i have all the time during the day, but it's way more fun to do it with someone. so julie and i are getting together again. c'mon, be excited with me!
until next time. batman out (it's like seacrest out!).
Monday, May 9
so this weekend. this weekend was pretty busy. friday night was a rush to get everything in my parent's basement up for the garage sale saturday. that involved a lot of moving. a lot of lugging heavy old wood things upstairs. we weren't around for the garage sale, but a lot of their stuff sold but a lot of it didn't. some will be going out with the trash whenever that goes, but some has to go back in the basement. yuck. i made $2.
after that we went to matt's and watched XXX 2. it was the worst movie i have ever seen. the worst. i wouldn't recommend it to anyone, even the people i don't like.
saturday i had a ball game early-ish (read: early for me). we played my old team and lost, but were ahead for two thirds of the game. and i played well so i feel good about that. sunday morning i played with my old team and we won. i played okay, but not stellar. then i had another game sunday afternoon (after food and a nap at home) with my team. we lost very well. but again i played okay so it all works out.
saturday night was dinner at gramma's and then the guys came over and watched friday night lights and bits of snl. friday night lights was pretty good. there was a lot of emotion from these big black teens which was weird to see.
and yesterday jon had his mazda 3 get together thing. i could go on and on about that, but all i will say is that he had fun, got to meet some people, and got a burn on his neck and arms.
we finally made it out to my parent's place after 7pm and gave my mom flowers and then came home and ate pizza and watched tv. a nice end to a long weekend.
a nice end to a long post.
after that we went to matt's and watched XXX 2. it was the worst movie i have ever seen. the worst. i wouldn't recommend it to anyone, even the people i don't like.
saturday i had a ball game early-ish (read: early for me). we played my old team and lost, but were ahead for two thirds of the game. and i played well so i feel good about that. sunday morning i played with my old team and we won. i played okay, but not stellar. then i had another game sunday afternoon (after food and a nap at home) with my team. we lost very well. but again i played okay so it all works out.
saturday night was dinner at gramma's and then the guys came over and watched friday night lights and bits of snl. friday night lights was pretty good. there was a lot of emotion from these big black teens which was weird to see.
and yesterday jon had his mazda 3 get together thing. i could go on and on about that, but all i will say is that he had fun, got to meet some people, and got a burn on his neck and arms.
we finally made it out to my parent's place after 7pm and gave my mom flowers and then came home and ate pizza and watched tv. a nice end to a long weekend.
a nice end to a long post.
Thursday, May 5
i'm really excited. i just signed up for a 5K race! huge! i ran my first 5K yesterday ever and i'm a little sore today, but i think some of the soreness is left over from my weights tuesday. so i didn't do my weights today. but i'm happy to report that i am officially back down to my high school weight. take that, frosh 20!
last night was my baseball team's pub night. it was fun. i got to see a lot of people (thanks to everyone who came out), some that i haven't seen since my contract ended at environment canada and one who i haven't seen in 10 months. i have some pictures that i may or may not put up here later.
i just got word today of my brother's graduation date. he's finishing up his undergrad this summer, but is graduating with his class next month. last year him and jon came to my grad (along with my parents and my brother's then-girlfriend) and made so much noise. the man who handed me my diploma said something to the effect of him being sure that i was glad i brought those two. yep, they made me proud. so now it's my turn to be that loud ass.
tomorrow's friday. that's always a good day.
last night was my baseball team's pub night. it was fun. i got to see a lot of people (thanks to everyone who came out), some that i haven't seen since my contract ended at environment canada and one who i haven't seen in 10 months. i have some pictures that i may or may not put up here later.
i just got word today of my brother's graduation date. he's finishing up his undergrad this summer, but is graduating with his class next month. last year him and jon came to my grad (along with my parents and my brother's then-girlfriend) and made so much noise. the man who handed me my diploma said something to the effect of him being sure that i was glad i brought those two. yep, they made me proud. so now it's my turn to be that loud ass.
tomorrow's friday. that's always a good day.
Tuesday, May 3
shirt tucker mother f****er
french classes started tonight. i like the people in my class. everyone seems to speak much better than me, which will help me get better. and apparently there's a book that explains french grammar in english. this would be helpful.
i bought some scrapbooking tools and i'm really really excited to get them and have my next scrapbooking night.
wanna hear something funny? good. when jon irons his work shirts he locks the cats in the spare room so that they don't jump up and knock over the iron and burn the carpet (it has been done). they've been in there for a while and i just asked where they were. now that's funny.
it's a race to finish my smoothie. my stomach is going to be hurtin after this.
i bought some scrapbooking tools and i'm really really excited to get them and have my next scrapbooking night.
wanna hear something funny? good. when jon irons his work shirts he locks the cats in the spare room so that they don't jump up and knock over the iron and burn the carpet (it has been done). they've been in there for a while and i just asked where they were. now that's funny.
it's a race to finish my smoothie. my stomach is going to be hurtin after this.
Sunday, May 1
wowee mommy, it sparkles like diamonds
does anybody else remember the deboer's radio commercial about their furniture that sparkles like diamonds? me and a friend of mine could recite the whole ad word for word. i'm positive we drove our parents crazy.
i had a somewhat eventful weekend. i went downtown both friday and saturday nights. i had a good time both nights. i also spent four hours scrapbooking and finished 5 pages. that's almost an hour a page. this is going to be a time-consuming hobby, but i'm having fun so far.
the bourne identity is on so i'm going to go watch it.
i had a somewhat eventful weekend. i went downtown both friday and saturday nights. i had a good time both nights. i also spent four hours scrapbooking and finished 5 pages. that's almost an hour a page. this is going to be a time-consuming hobby, but i'm having fun so far.
the bourne identity is on so i'm going to go watch it.
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