Thursday, June 30

there can only be one

we won our ball game last night. i don't know what the score was but we have runs (multiple runs) and they had none. so there! that team was above us in the standings too. good stuff.

i got the third, fourth and fifth harry potter books to listen to on kevin (my iPod mini for those of you not in the know.. or who just can't remember my crazy names for everything) and i started the prisoner of azkaban this morning. the first two chapters were already so much better than the movie, which we rented (for free from goodlife) a while ago.

speaking of goodlife, jon had rented the village and forgotten to bring it back so i dropped it off on my way to kelsey's last night. it was 2 and a half hours late but they waved the $5 late fee. sweet deal. though i do owe 50 cents on a library book that i forgot to renew. at least it's under a dollar. but i'm keeping my french up using the library so i really can't complain.

yesterday, remember? i had all that work to do. well i scrambled around all morning trying to get everything done and i fired off the last of my summary reports and then was reminded that i had a meeting to attend. half way through the meeting i had to make a bolt for the bathroom cause i thought i was going to throw up. thankfully i didn't but i felt like ass for the rest of the day. i stuck it out and got the rest of my work done and was feeling fine in time for my game.

after the game a lot of us went to kelsey's. now, i really appreciate them sponsoring us, but i have to say that the service there was just awful. the food was good though. i recommend the club house wrap, but make sure your waitress isn't a bimbo and brings you a fork for your salad. good thing our table of 7 got 2 forks.

i read dose for the first time two days ago. even though all the stories are short and to the point, i still end up skipping some of them. i just don't care. that's the extent of my attention and that's really sad.

i will leave you with this: go online and find a game of soduko. i made it easy so just click on the link. holy it's addictive.

Wednesday, June 29


last night was nice. we had one of our last S&B's. we're down to three members and probably will keep getting together but our rock, m, is leaving on her trip tomorrow. so we went out for DQ and i have to say that my slushie (arctic rush or whatever it was called) was so sweet that it was kinda sick. apparently i'm not a kid anymore. but the night was fun. i got home much much later than i was expecting, but it was worth it.

in other news, i got new sliding shorts. these are padded spandex shorts that we wear under our ball shorts. my old pair had a really annoying tag that i ripped out years ago and they finally unraveled enough so that my bum was hanging out. we all had a good laugh about that and now i have a new pair. the nice thing about getting new sliding shorts is that they're really white. i'll look sharp!

i got the word yesterday: my grandparents are moving back to holland. those two are moving machines! i was kinda hoping they would just give their house in manotick to my parents but i doubt that's going to happen. so they'll pack up and ship everything back over the ocean in a couple of weeks and come back in a couple of months. thinking back, i think i called june for their departure month, but i'm not positive. my friends seem to remember this though. so maybe i was right.

i need more shirts for work. the bad thing about bussing is that you have to sit there and sweat with tons of people around but then you have to get up and walk home. gross. i need shirts that mask the sweat. today i'm wearing my blue long-sleeved running shirt. every day is casual friday!

okay, i really have a ton of work to do. apparently when i get dumped on i get dumped on good. i was given tons of stuff yesterday, all for today. can i do it? i'll have to stop posting and get to it!

Tuesday, June 28

i'm glad

i'm glad i didn't post yesterday from work. i was a little pissed off about the bussing situation. but now that i'm calm (it's a new day afterall and i got 3 air conditioned busses in my last 5!) i won't be going on a rant at all.

instead i will tell you about my ball game last night. we were playing a really shitty team that we've managed to lose to once before and we were up 4-0 and managed to tie 5-5. our coach was pretty mad.. and frustrated.. and whatever else. fair. i'm not mad or frustrated though. i mean, we could have lost, AGAIN, to that stupid team. and besides, i batted .750 and made no errors. i can't complain.

and we found out last night that we are going into a tournament in mid-july. that's lots of warning. i would rather know about tournaments well in advance. maybe that's just me (uh oh is this a rant starting?).

so we're in the process of trying to figure out this family thing in august but i'm pretty busy at work and don't want to ask my boss about time off. i'm only a little contractor you know. i'm going to have to suck it up.

and last but not least, i'm proud to introduce sylvia and her blog. hopefully she keeps writing in english so that i can follow. either that or i'll have to learn dutch (not a bad thing).

i'm off to see the wizard....

Sunday, June 26

the weekend

friday night i went out and saw some friends that i hadn't seen in a long time, even though they are usually my go-to friends. we went downtown and walked a lot and ate food. i just now finished my pizza.

saturday morning i was up (and i realized why i can't sleep in - the sun comes in the window and on the bed exactly where i lie so it's way too hot) and i went to the gym for a step class. they changed the schedule for the group classes and now don't have the yoga/pilates/tai chi class after the step class so boo to that. but it felt really nice to get back at it. the backs of my legs are a little sore. so after that and after a couple more hours we went off to my family cottage party. that was a lot of fun and i actually found myself in the lake at one point. i got to try out my new bikinis. i definitely like them.

today was a sleeping day strange enough. i was up super early again and stayed up for a while. i had a shower and lay outside in the backyard reading for a while but then i came inside and slept for another 4 hours. i couldn't believe it. so i'm awake now and i've eaten and am about ready for ball practice.

i have to say that i think i made the best out of my first real weekend (ie. i'm working during the week and can't do whatever i want then).

Thursday, June 23

working and running

i decided that i'm going to go another race at the end of the summer. i'm looking to do a 10K and i'm looking into doing a prep clinic at the running room, but it has already started so we'll see.

wow, i've been sneezing up a storm today because i forgot to take my reactine this morning. BIG mistake. damn allergies.

so i'm just about done my first week of work. having this friday and next friday off is a nice way to start off a new contract. plus we have a bbq this afternoon and all of my work is done so i can go and feel good about things.

i don't know what this weekend holds for me. but i'm hoping to scrapbook friday night, definitely going to a family cottage party this weekend, and sunday is baseball practice. i would really like to fill that up more though. now that weekends are precious. oh weekends.

and now that i'm being paid i can go and spend more money.. that's how it works, right? it does actually work that way for the most part. the more money you have the more money you spend. and along the same lines: the more people you know the more people you know who die. a somber thought for a friday [technically thursday] afternoon.


Tuesday, June 21

workin girl

i'm posting from work. i think this might become a trend since i'm on the computer all the time here and not so much from home anymore. i'm getting to know all the acronyms (and believe me, there are many) and the people. i even bussed in today. kevin is back in my hands (my mini iPod). i didn't need him much when i was home all the time. and jon just got one of his own for graduation from his parents. we were joking that they got him a barbeque because that's what his sister got for her grad so i want to call his iPod barbeque. he doesn't seem to like this idea. i'm vetoeing (is there an 'e' in that word?) him. kevin and barbeque.

so baseball. we actually won last night. it was a fun game. i don't think i've ever laughed that much at a game. one of the other outfielders went to tell us that one of their players usually pulls the ball but she said 'porks' instead. you should have heard us laughing over that. it was nice to have fun and to win. one of the girls took a ball in the mouth though. no broken teeth but her lip is hugely swollen. she's still cute though. there's also some drama going on with the team and a guy who was kinda coaching.

hmm, i don't really have much else to say. i want to get back into going to the gym and now that i don't have french two nights a week i think i can handle getting there at least those days. i guess we will see.

Sunday, June 19

baseball blues

i'm home from frankford now and i'm sorry to report that we lost 4/5 games, but am happy to report that i played well. lots of good times were had.

i am very very glad to be home. i start work tomorrow for real. they sorted out my contract and i officially start a 13-week contract tomorrow. i think it's going to be a long day. at least i have no more french classes for the rest of the summer and only one baseball game this week. not too shabby!

canada day plans anyone?

Thursday, June 16


okay, so i'm done day two of work. i've been doing lots and lots of reading and i know more what the group i'm in does but i'm still not sure what i'll be doing. i do know that it's a 6-month contract and i will be doing two separate jobs, one in the first 3 months and the other in the last three months. i'm with the same agency as before and am getting the same pay as before so i'm happy. i still have to figure out transportation, either parking or bus stuff.

i'm still sick, but think i'm getting better. i've been taking lots of drugs (tylenol daytime/nighttime works wonders).

jon's grad was tuesday. it was fun. i stood up and made a fool of myself.. really could have used my brother and his yelling skills. that should be the last grad we have to go to in a long time. good thing, they're pretty boring.

jon's parents both left yesterday so we're back to normal in the house. i think the cats miss me though now that i'm working. they were spoiled and have always had at least one of us home all the time. but making money is more important.

Tuesday, June 14

new job and new cold

so i had my interview and was actually called back and offered the position before i left the building. i was talking. so i start tomorrow. this is rather quick turnaround. i'm sick so i'm really not sure how my body's going to handle going to work for three days and then to belleville for a tournament. i guess we'll see.

i'll report more later. now it's bedtime.

Friday, June 10

the in-laws

the in-laws are coming to town tomorrow so some major cleaning must be done today. i'm all decked out for the job. i got home from practice (lots of sweating cause it's so damn muggy out) and threw on my running shoes and here i am. but i won't bore you with anymore cleaning details.

my interview yesterday got postponed until monday. something came up. shit happens. i'm not worried though. it'll happen. i might not get the position but i will get a job eventually. 1-800-subway? do you have a job for me?

one of the worst things about getting up early in the morning is how hungry i am and how i can't go back to sleep until i've showered and eaten. but both are being delayed due to cleaning. why can't i be martha stewart.. in the she-probably-has-a-very-clean-house kinda way. i wouldn't want whatever she has stuck up her ass up mine. no way. my ass is free from foreign objects, especially butter beans (see the monkey for that one!).

i have a question for all you commenters: what is your take on air conditioning? do you like it, need it, despise it...? i want to know.

Wednesday, June 8

how do you sell a knife with no knife?

so my fishy job interview. i have a link to the post so you can see for yourself what i so foolishly got myself into. it's a company that does marketing for other companies. doesn't sound terrible. but what i realized during the interview was that it was like the pyramid scheme that is vector marketing (aka knife selling the summer after first year university) so you get paid commission and the higher up guys get a huge cut from every customer you bring on for the company's customer. still with me?

AND they asked me back for a second interview.
"how does tomorrow sound?"
me: yeah, i could do tomorrow.
"how about 9:15am - 6pm?" [with a straight face]
me: what? [pause] i can't stay until 6pm. i have class.
"that's okay. we only say 6pm to cover the whole day. there's testing at the end that we can squeeze in before, say, 5:15?"
me: what?

and on and on it went. i agreed to come in. on the way home i realized that this day was basically a non-paid training for a shit job that i already decided i didn't want. so i called and said i couldn't make it.

and then i hear back from a contact about an actual job opening with environment canada and i call the woman i was told to contact and i have an interview tomorrow morning. hopefully it works out and i won't feel bad anymore about not making money. i'm even becoming a crappy housewife and flooding the basement. who does that? this girl.

crazy? i think so

so i have an interview in the morning. i applied for a position posted on and i went to find out more about the company and can't really. they don't have a website and it seems like there are tons and tons of postings, all the same, from tons and tons of different companies. this is getting fishy. so i really don't know what to expect but i'm guessing it won't be a good job for me.

i also got a call yesterday from this guy who wants to sell me life insurance. i keep telling him no because i don't have a job. so he asks if i've ever considered being a financial planner. i definitely have not i tell him. so he gives my name to some manager guy who calls me and asks me to fill out a questionnaire online. i do it and he calls me saying i wouldn't be happy as a financial planner. i could have told you that, buddy. but don't listen to me. listen to your questionnaire. right.

oh, one more thing about jobs, i was looking on the website and saw a position posted from my old group (where i spent 5 months). so i applied but then realized that they probably wrote the competition for the guy who's still there (8 months and counting!). so i emailed him to ask him if the position was for him. i'm sure he'll give me a straight answer. this is a no-bullshit kind of guy.

i'm glad french is almost done. we have one more class this week and then only one next week since the last class is always dinner out. then i'm taking a break. i've been doing this for the past siz months. it's time for a break. i have my books though, so i'll be working on my french at home. when the timing's right.

i'm done.

Sunday, June 5

peterborough done

we went to peterborough and yelled and screamed at my brother's grad. it was outside (wish we'd known that beforehand) and really really hot and sunny. we stayed in a little motel where jon was afraid to have his feet touch the ground. but it was cheap.

on the way home we went to the reptile zoo. something i've been wanting to do for the last 4 years. it did not disappoint. there were tons of snakes and lizards and some turtles, tortoises and even an alligator and a crocodile! it was worth the stop. we took pictures.

i went scrapbooking friday night with julie. i started working on my travel book and am finding it harder than the chronological book. and i found out about scrapbooking stuff on ebay. bad news. i bid on a bunch of things.

today we went and looked at a house. it was only a block or two from here and is the same model only sideways. it was really nice though, and most likely out of our price-range, but i was really curious to see what the sideways model looked like. and now we have an idea of what this place will go for. but thinking about houses makes me a little down, since houses equal mortgages equals money equals i don't have a job. so the push is on. i have until the end of the summer to find a job and start making money. i'm going to try and get myself in somewhere on a volunteer basis so i can get a position in september. i think that's the way to go.

Thursday, June 2


we're heading out to peterborough this afternoon for my brother's grad tomorrow morning. must remember to put the garbage out before we leave.

i'm trying to figure out rogers/yahoo pictures and as soon as i do i'll have online albums for you all to see. i'll keep you posted.