Sunday, June 26

the weekend

friday night i went out and saw some friends that i hadn't seen in a long time, even though they are usually my go-to friends. we went downtown and walked a lot and ate food. i just now finished my pizza.

saturday morning i was up (and i realized why i can't sleep in - the sun comes in the window and on the bed exactly where i lie so it's way too hot) and i went to the gym for a step class. they changed the schedule for the group classes and now don't have the yoga/pilates/tai chi class after the step class so boo to that. but it felt really nice to get back at it. the backs of my legs are a little sore. so after that and after a couple more hours we went off to my family cottage party. that was a lot of fun and i actually found myself in the lake at one point. i got to try out my new bikinis. i definitely like them.

today was a sleeping day strange enough. i was up super early again and stayed up for a while. i had a shower and lay outside in the backyard reading for a while but then i came inside and slept for another 4 hours. i couldn't believe it. so i'm awake now and i've eaten and am about ready for ball practice.

i have to say that i think i made the best out of my first real weekend (ie. i'm working during the week and can't do whatever i want then).


batman said...

weekend: i miss you already.

Kelly said...

I have the same problem with the sun, my windows, and my bed. Hey, Sun! Can't you wait a few more hours before you start brightening up my room so that I can't sleep?