Wednesday, July 6

whooo whooooooot!

whew my stomach is growling! (in you belly!) i've been pretty busy at work this week, doing random things here and there. nothing that i was really hired to do, but that doesn't seem to matter.

baseball - i don't want to talk about it. i had the worst game of the season two nights ago and i don't know what's going to happen tonight. i guess i'll tell you later.

party: this saturday night, in celebration of my one yearaversary (i've shortened the saying). it's a byob with the possibility of door prizes. i'm hoping enough people can come and that everyone has fun. it's really just an excuse to have people over and to take full advantage of my weekends now that i'm working. oh weekends.

i've gone to the gym three times in the past 4 or 5 days (okay, maybe even 6 days). i had a step class last night with a crazy asian guy. this guy can move! i've had him once before but that was for a bodyflow class which is a mixture of tai chi, yoga and pilates. a much different atmosphere than step. and i've decided that he's crazy and guys shouldn't be able to move like that. the other times i went to the gym i ran a bit and biked a bit and did abs and arms. i want to get my stamina up on the bike so i can do the rpm (spinning) class. jon loves the spinning class. i can't do it (well i did once but it hurt my knees, and the second time i only lasted about 15 minutes - ouch!) so i'm going to work my way up to a whole hour. why was biking so much easier when i was young? what happened? oh, right, beer happened.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Have fun on Saturday!