Monday, June 12

new evidence suggests batman a hippy

in light of new evidence discovered today, experts are calling batman a hippy. in a distasteful showing of proper work attire, batman sported a free-styled lack of boobal support. in her defense, batman has this to say: "friday it was my shirt, monday it's my bra - what IS a girl to do??" sources say that batman's choice of clothing are smartly hiding this wardrobe malfunction and that coworkers have not yet noticed. she continues: "i'm clutzy AND forgetful. i haven't fallen yet today, but i sure did forget something important!"

let's just hope that this week continues on a better note and that all clothing is remembered and worn throughout the work day.

-- this has been some top notch reporting by blogger


Anonymous said...

Hahahaha! You rock!

Anonymous said...

You're fortunate to be young enough that letting the girls free for a day will cause little collateral damage. If my girls were on the loose, it would be a red-alert stage ten crisis. Seriously. People could be hurt.

I'm glad you haven't fallen down today. I hit my head on the ramp in front of our house today -- I was gardening. I have a goose egg on my forehead.

Anonymous said...

there are definitely some good things about being not-a-dd. i don't even think anyone noticed. i mean, i felt weird, but i managed (you can do anything while sitting at your desk playing spider solitaire, believe me!)