Friday, April 6

day 100

today is day 100 in my project 365. there have been some days that have been tough - no inspiration or time = no pictures. but most days i've been completely happy to tote around "my camera" (i've adopted our little point and shoot) and take pictures of things.

i'm actually quite happy with how this is working out. i'm finding i see more things. i'm always looking around and noticing things i wouldn't have seen before. and it's nice looking back through the 99 pictures to see what my life was like.

and then there are the flickr groups dedicated to the project where i've met some really nice people. it's interesting seeing pictures from all around the world. i've learned that what might seem uninteresting to me is something fresh and new to someone else. and maybe in a couple of years it may be fresh and new to me so i should try and capture it so i can have it forever. isn't that what pictures are for?

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