Tuesday, July 10

happy anniversary! happy anniversary!

that's right - we just hit the three-year mark.

we made it from here:
Img_0070 (Medium)

to here:
Day 175 June 20  IMG_0170 (Medium)

not quite sure what the celebration plans are for tonight. i'm hoping for dinner and some sheet-shopping. and maybe a movie. that's what we've done the past two years. well, last year we bought a tent instead of sheets, but the dinner and a movie thing has been the same.


Captain Underpants said...

Fantastic pictures, both.

Happy annversary!

Anonymous said...


shelley said...

Happy Happy Anniversary! I hope you can look through your wedding scrapbook, now that its done too. :)

Have a good one.

Anonymous said...

wow. happy anniversary!

Sue said...

Happy Anniversary!!