Wednesday, July 18

the new do

last week i called to get my hair cut but my girl was on vacation. so yesterday was the day.

yesterday was also the day, finally, for our couches to be delivered. you might remember me being all excited about some nice leather couches we bought back in november. well the delivery got pushed back and back and we got calls and the old house got calls, but finally they showed up with the couches yesterday.

the couches wouldn't fit. our basement stairs are a straight shot but the entrance to the stairs is 90 degrees off. they were too long to make the turn.

so j, after being called into work early and going back home to accept delivery, was p.o'd. so he took a nap. can you blame him? they took the couches away and gave us credit.

too bad the credit is with the brick, who has been hassle after hassle. but anyways, we can find other couches, and now we know the maximum couch length that will fit.

after work, since i had this hair cut at 4 (we get off at 3), we went to the brick and sat on every leather couch they had. there are a couple contenders, but we might wait a bit for a good sale.

and then i got my hair cut. i hadn't really thought about what i wanted so i left it up to my wonderful hairdresser. she delievered:

Day 202 July 17  180_8003 (Medium)

and by the way, i asked j to take a picture of me and i came out looking a lot like a lesbian (not that there's anything wrong with lesbians, i'm just not one and would rather not look like one) so i resorted to the bathroom shot. i think it turned out rather well.

i'll keep you updated on our couch situation.


shelley said...

Love the hair! It looks really cute on you! Good job hairdresser.

And I know what you mean about furniture not fitting down the stairs. We had to get rid of a couch this winter for that same reason. So sad. It would've been perfect for our basement. Was a hand-me-down, but that's ok, because we have our Brick leather couches upstairs and they are perfect in the room they are in.

good luck finding some new ones!

Anonymous said...

wow - sucks about the couches, especially after waiting over half a year for them! At least they let you return them for credit...

And thanks for the heads up about your new haircut - because you know I wouldn't have noticed otherwise. It looks nice!

Captain Underpants said...

Awesome haircut! Looks great. Good on you for having a reliable hairdresser, too.

That's mega frustrating about the couches. The Brick should give you creadit for time spent's so weird that it's the norm for couches to take forever to be delivered.

Back to the drawing board, I guess. Good luck!

Sue said...

Nice haircut!!

batman said...

thanks, everyone!

Anonymous said...

nice hair!
