Tuesday, September 25

isn't it nice

isn't it nice, when you're having a so-so day, to get some unexpected but super good news? i got a flickrmail telling me that one of my pictures has been shortlisted to appear in the niagara falls version of schmap. i'm going to talk to j before i confirm that i want it to be considered because i think he acutally took it. and then i have to think about how i want the picture credited. it links back to my flickr page so i'm thinking i'll use that screen name. so much to think about!

it's this picture, by the way:
181_8165 (Medium)

i can't wait to tell j.

today is a so-so day because i got to sleep in (+) but i have to work longer than usual (-) because j is on training and since we carpool, he drops me off and still has to drive for 20-25 minutes to get to his training. that means 40-45 minutes extra work for me (-). but then i heard about the picture (+) and that it's a friend's birthday tonight and that means dinner out (+). i think the positives are outweighing the negatives today.

it's only tuesday but we're starting to organize our weekend. seems like it's going to be a busy one. i won't bother you with the details now because you know i'll be catching you up on everything monday morning. in general, there will be parties and photoshoots and friends and food - sounds amazing.

1 comment:

Captain Underpants said...

nice work, Batman! That's super fun. Keep us posted on the competitions too. later alligator :-)