Saturday, May 24


We hopped on another train from La Spezia to Pisa.

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Pisa has three main things you have to see, all located in the central square.

1. The Leaning Tower of Pisa, obviously

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2. The baptistry

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3. And the cathedral

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The square also has hundreds and hundreds of vendors set up and hundreds of locals approaching you trying to sell you watches and key chains and other touristy stuff. These guys were very persistent but we'd read that if you plain ignored them they would eventually go away. Try having a conversation when these guys are constantly coming up to you, yammering on about their watches or sunglasses. Definitely an interesting thing to do.

After about 45 minutes of looking at the tower and walking around we felt that we'd seen all there was to see. We grabbed lunch (street meat) and picnicked in the tower's shadow. All R could talk about was the tower falling on us.

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We headed back to the train station on hopped a train to Florence.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know I've seen the slideshow already but the story is just as fun the second time.

more! more!