Monday, March 14

kicked my ass!

i did a body pump class today at goodlife and it kicked my ass. my quads almost made me fall down stairs all afternoon. they're doing much better now, thanks. tomorrow is an intro to spinning class. i don't know if i'm looking forward to it or not. i guess i'll have to wait and see how it goes.

24 tonight was awesome (when is it not?).

not much else to report. i have to say that i'm glad i'm not in school right now because now used to be crunch time for me. everything is due tomorrow or in the next couple of weeks at least and then you have to start worrying about exams and finding the time to study for those all while trying to keep yourself sane by eating and getting fresh air and finding those spare minutes to kill the kingston bugs that are everywhere. it was hell and i'm glad it's done. oh, i didn't even mention the trying to find a job for the summer aspect of this oh-so-fun time of year. and what about finding a place to live next year/the summer? yuck.

i have to do laundry.

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