Thursday, June 16


okay, so i'm done day two of work. i've been doing lots and lots of reading and i know more what the group i'm in does but i'm still not sure what i'll be doing. i do know that it's a 6-month contract and i will be doing two separate jobs, one in the first 3 months and the other in the last three months. i'm with the same agency as before and am getting the same pay as before so i'm happy. i still have to figure out transportation, either parking or bus stuff.

i'm still sick, but think i'm getting better. i've been taking lots of drugs (tylenol daytime/nighttime works wonders).

jon's grad was tuesday. it was fun. i stood up and made a fool of myself.. really could have used my brother and his yelling skills. that should be the last grad we have to go to in a long time. good thing, they're pretty boring.

jon's parents both left yesterday so we're back to normal in the house. i think the cats miss me though now that i'm working. they were spoiled and have always had at least one of us home all the time. but making money is more important.


Kelly said...

Hope you feel better soon, and congrats on the job!

Funeral #2 for the month of June is now over. Now to figure out what to do for the rest of the summer.

On the plus side - Jinx is currently sleeping on my dresser and Ginger's sleeping in the cat bed outside of my room. Cats!

batman said...

i thought you were staying in kingston this summer...?

little glitch with the job. something about the length of the contract and not being able to get the right signatures. it means i get tomorrow off though.

Kelly said...

I'm sort of back and forth right now. Should be back in Kingston next week.

batman said...

where did you work last summer? could you go back there?

update on the job: they sorted out my contract and i officially start monday. i guess that means i'll get two days off sometime.

Kelly said...

I worked at Queen's Telefundraising Services last summer and can't go back there for a number of reasons.