Monday, December 12

the day that flew by

i'm happy to tell you that today, much to my pleasure, has flown by and it's almost time to go home. it's sunny out, a little cold, but not windy like usual, i slept enough and feel rested, and work was good, and yeah. good times.

my body is a little sore from my body flow (=pilates, yoga and taichi) class yesterday. i went to the gym to work out like usual but saw people with their yoga mats. so i went and did the class. i didn't have the right kind of clothes on (you need stretchy clothes, and preferably ones that cover you when you stretch) but i went and apparently, the instructor was some super yoga guy because about 8 people stayed after the class to get his autograph. who knew?

after the class we went to j's grandparent's place for our usual sunday dinner. it was great. and i'm not just saying that because his grandparents read my blog. they don't. i wouldn't like that.

couple of shout-outs (i never use that word): happy birthday to frank. yay, you're 24! i hope you had fun after the sluts on saturday night (they said slOts, i heard slUts...). congratulations to matt and julie who just bought a house! i think i'm just as excited as you are (sorry...).

j and i went looking at model homes both saturday and sunday. we went both days because on saturday we found a place we really liked. and i mean really liked. and there was another builder we didn't get to see. so sunday we went and looked at the other model homes, decided we didn't like any of them, and went back to see the one we did like. i'm getting excited now, but i really should be getting more excited about having my own car cause that will happen first. i'm not joking. j's going to be getting a mazda 3 of his own so that will leave our little gray car to me, in nice weather at least. otherwise it's still our family car. move over volvo-station-wagons-with-wood-paneling! we still have to think of names for our cars. we will have twins (a boy and a girl car if you please) and can't think of good names. i want chad and kim, after the characters on 24, but now that i'm in love with michael scoffield from prison break, maybe i'll call mine "fish" (that's michael's nickname in the show). fish. i like that.


Anonymous said...

Exciting! Let me know if he needs a big honkin' tinfoil-covered cardboard wing for the back of his new car... I just made one for my brother's new civic. It's funny for the rest of us... :)

Is your model/dream home posted on the internet? I'd like to see - can you send me a link?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the shout out!

I am also wondering if the home you like is on the interweb?

batman said...

not that i know of. we have a floor plan at home though.

Anonymous said...

Who is the builder and what is the model?
I've been looking at houses for over 6 months now...I may have seen it.

batman said...

sunnyvale by urbandale

Anonymous said...

I saw the flooplan for your house...which option are you looking at?