Thursday, April 13

i've been doin stuff - i'm interesting, finally!

these titles don't lie - they're like shakira's hips you know. for real.

i've been busy. and this time i don't mean i'm dying at work and coming home, filling my grumbling belly and passing out. monday we went back to the gym - it had been a while - and then we watched prison break and 24. both shows are super good and definitely worth watching if you aren't already. but you should wait until you can catch up before jumping right in. i like how some shows have gone to that format. they're basically like super long movies stretched over a whole season. you really get into it and feel like you know (or want to know.. mmmm, michael scoffield!) the characters. come to think of it, i know some of the characters better than i know some of my own friends.

that's sad.

tuesday night the three of us went out to dinner and then trekked to amc in kanata to see ice age 2 on the cheap. what a smashing idea. the movie was funny and good and dramatic. my only complaint is that it was approximately minus thirty in the theatre. what the eff, people?? it's not summer yet!

last night was the gym again and then dinner and two for the money. another good movie, but much much different from ice age. firstly, it isn't animated. second, it was about gambling and money and making people gamble more with their money and then taking their money. and maybe now's a good time to point out that over there on the right, i have a link to batman's library. that's a site, primarily for me, but feel free to check it out, where i post about every movie i see and every book i read. so if you're mega bored at work, feel free to look, but i make no promises that you will be entertained. like i said, it's more for me than for you.

and now it's today, and because of the fantastic long weekend, today might as well be friday. i have tons and tons of things to do today, but nothing like last week so i'm laughing. plus, today is susan's last day. remember susan (link to post)? well she's leaving and i couldn't be happier. she's super annoying to work with. i wish i had two pillows to squeeze against my head every day that she's here.

oh, quick update on the cats: they are doing well. s's cat, monkey, is out of her room except at night, and is slowly getting used to the house and to having people and other cats around. soon, all three cats will be sleeping together and playing and eventually, monkey will show me some love because everyone knows i need it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hooray for long weekends and short weeks!

I almost "lol'd" when I pictured you with one pillow over each ear and your eyes squeezed shut.