Friday, May 18

can't go the distance

this post has nothing to do with my relationship and everything to do with running. i simply cannot run 21.1 km - the length of a half marathon - the way my leg is feeling. the drugs are working, but that doesn't mean that i won't hurt my leg if i attempt to run that far, i might just not FEEL it. and that scares me.

so i'm running the 10 km instead. 10 km is so much more attainable and possible and likely and safe. i like safe when it comes to my body. i don't want to make myself run the half marathon because it's something i think i should do when i haven't trained hardly enough and i have this leg thing going on. plus, i can always run it later.

i really like the saying "i run because i can" but right now, for me, 10 km is all i can run.

*huge sigh of relief*

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