Tuesday, June 26

trip wrap up

i am incredibly busy at work (it's always this way after spending time away) so this will be short. all of my pictures are up on my flickr site.

we flew to bc.

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we saw titanica at the imax.

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we surfed in tofino.

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we saw colourful sea creatures.

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we hugged trees in cathedral grove park.

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we napped with kitties.

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we* swam in the sooke river.

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* j swam. i did not. *

we took a harbour ferry.

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we admired the sunset over the clouds from the plane on the way home.

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and now we're home. the basement cats are no longer hissing at each other but all four are getting very curious about who's on the other side of the door to the basement.

ah vacations....


Anonymous said...

those are some hug-worthy trees!

Captain Underpants said...

awesome photo essay. I loved the pictures. Loko slike you really made your week count. Have a good day at work!