Thursday, August 2

captain of the alone

status update, food: i ate only 2 cookies yesterday and no ice cream. i went to kelsey's for pasta (it's too hot to cook inside these days and pasta doesn't work on the bbq) and was treated well by the server who, i think, felt sorry for the single girl with the magazine.

status update, sleep: i didn't nap but i didn't go to bed early either.

status update, work: my meeting with the director had another coworker too so i couldn't talk about money. but i was given more responsibilities.

status update, kitties: the cats are my alarm clock. they woke me up on time this morning. i set my alarm and everything (j normally does the waking up) but didn't think to check the AM/PM business and would have been mega late for work without my purring heat balls. why do they insist on sleeping on me or touching me in some way when their little bodies are so hot?

status update, weather: it's freaking hot! it's finally summer. and we have a long weekend. we'll be spending most of it in toronto, but monday will be a nice, relaxing day at home. i can't wait.

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