Friday, December 28

december 26 - cativersary

boxing day three years ago is the day we brought our cats home. poor sandy didn't handle the move well and promptly lost all of her fur.

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they were troopers but especially liked spending time with each other.

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it didn't take them long to warm up to us though.

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sandy eventually got her fur back and we were surprised to see how orange she was!

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j and i are very happy to have cats, these two especially. they're fun to have around. they are very talkative and playful. they love water and seeing us when we come home. our house would be much different without them around.

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Author said...

I love that last photo of the kitties - has either one of them ever actually fallen in?

batman said...

Neither has fallen into the big tub, but they've both fallen into the little one. And Rolo has jumped int the big tub when it's draining.

Sue said...

Such sweet kittehs!!