Sunday, December 9

remarkably unremarkable week

a week has passed and i have very little to say about it. unfortunately.

- i played hockey and didn't get a penalty or get injured. this is good.
- it has already been a long month at work. though i did take a couple hours off wednesday and spent all of thursday on the couch playing guitar hero.
- i managed to get a 490 note streak by myself and over 1000 notes with j.
- j stayed home too and thought for a while that he had shingles again, but now he thinks he was just sick.
- i went to a lesbian party... i mean a hockey party. let's just say that i was in the minority.
- where do babies come from?
- i'm feeling like it's time to get organized. can you believe that we still have stuff in boxes almost a year after moving? is this normal?
- i have hockey tonight and next sunday night. but then i think we're done until the new year.
- christmas parties will pick up where hockey leaves off.
- thankfully i am almost done my christmas shopping.

random random.


Anonymous said...

re: things still in boxes. Yes, this is normal. At least I hope so!

Look at you go, gh queen. I found some free software that imitates guitar hero and we have been using it a bit. You pick up your keyboard and hold it like a guitar. It's awesome, but not quite as awesome as a real fake guitar. Also, I have the feeling that one of these days my enter key is going to wear out.

Still, it's good practice, right?

Author said...

I'd take unremarkable over dramatic any day! :P

Sylverrr said...

Why does Alan always write what I am going to say.. I hope its normal, because we definetly still have a few in our basement!
I dont know if I dare ever to play GH against you, good for you, that's insane! I'm glad if I can get 100 notes in a row :)