Wednesday, April 30

And we're off!

We're leaving in an hour for Montreal so we can fly to Frankfurt. We arrive in Frankfurt tomorrow morning and fly from there to Turin tomorrow night. We spend the weekend in Turin, getting all glamorous for the wedding Saturday, and then head south down the west coast of Italy for the rest of the week. We'll be back in Frankfurt Friday and back in Canada Saturday.

We will of course be taking a million pictures and probably drinking a ton of beer and maybe even some wine. I'll be thinking of you all while I'm trekking up the coasts of Cinque Terre and bumbling through ordering calzones in Italian. Have a great week.


Wednesday, April 23

Spring Has Arrived

Spring has officially arrived. I am so surprised with how quickly the warm weather came, but I am delighted. Last week I wore my winter coat to work both Monday and Tuesday. Wednesday I would have worn my spring coat but I couldn't find it in the mad rush to get out of the house in the morning. Turns out I didn't need it. This was the day we went to Hog's Back Falls after work. Hog's Back was beautiful and fun.

Especially fun was the muskrat. I noticed this little guy right near J. I had to yell and yell for him to hear me over the roar of the falls. But when he finally did, he chased that guy down.

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He was able to get a great picture of him:

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It was really nice to take a break from the usual rush to get to work, workworkwork and rush to get home. We got home later than usual but we were happy.

After Saturday's heat, all of our snow is gone (okay, not quite all but I don't care anymore!). J sealed the driveway which took hours and hours (whoever said buying a corner lot was a good idea never sealed the four-car-wide driveway of one.)

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S&L came over in the midst for a bbq lunch and craft fun, the final products I have yet to take pictures of. Her final product was gifted the next day at a baby shower to much oohing and aahing. Feels damn good.

Saturday night was like a date night: dinner and drinks. Specifically, Vietnamese and lots of beer. I was a good little DD and didn't drink, but my friends sure did.

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J started off the night with a Delirium, some ridiculously-high alcohol-content beer and managed to get pleasantly drunk. We managed to still get home not too late. Someone had the rest of a driveway to seal and a hangover to nurse. I slept in.

Once I woke up and got myself dressed and fed (clothed and no longer cranky = necessity for facing the world), I grabbed my book and proceeded to get my very first burn of the year on my neck, shoulders, arms and shins. Awesome! Even though it hurt to sleep.

We spent a good chunk of the late afternoon and early evening with J's family. J was doing "son" things and I was lounging on the deck perpetuating my burn. We also watched a cardinal and a bunny go about their Sunday afternoon business in the backyard. Not together of course.

And then there's the cats. Springtime means shed-time. They are shedding like you would not believe considering they are mostly hairless. And Rolo, the boy cat, is friskier than usual. Poor guy just doesn't get it. I think it's a guy thing though: the warmer weather brings out the short skirts and sandals. For me, for some odd reason, it brings out the urge to clean the house. Spring cleaning? I've turned a blind eye long enough, house, I'll be coming for you.

Monday, April 21

Sore Eyes

Blogging just doesn't have its appeal when my eyes hurt when I look at a computer screen. I want to see an optometrist. I've wanted to see one for a while. I've been trying to treat myself and my body better and do things to make it happy. Like get a check up at the doctors and get my teeth cleaned and xrayed. I've been exercising regularly and flossing regularly. I've been getting more sleep than ever before and eating more fruits and veggies.

The eye thing was just going to be a preventative check up, something else I'm doing for my body, but the pain is making it a necessary check up. Who knows, maybe an optometrist will suggest I get a non-desk, non-staring-at-the-computer-all-day job. Maybe just a break from the job? Or an extended holiday.. err, extended leave. Wouldn't that be nice.

So my apologies for not updating more often. But really, I'm just doing what I normally do, though getting a burn in April is not normal. Hello, nice weather! Thank you for coming around so soon.

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Monday, April 14

Happy birthday, Alan!

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Sylvia, L and I had planned a surprise potluck dinner for Alan's birthday. It all came together nicely and S, L and I surprised Alan with our singing and balloon throwing and general showing up at his door. We had a good meal and good birthday pie.

Alan was the lucky recipient of an XBOX 360 and now the proud owner of RockBand. We are expecting the news of a new tv any day now.

Before heading over, we blew up a dozen or so balloons. They were a multipack from the dollar store, which I would not recommend. They tasted awful and included one rogue peach-coloured balloon. S blew up Peach real big. She definitely had her moments during the course of the night. She got a pretty (ugly) face makeover at one point and then threw herself at S who was not impressed. The rest of us loved it.

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Other news is that J got his other two wisdom teeth out Thursday afternoon. We had a nice weekend, spent most of our time at home. I didn't feel well most of Saturday, but was a trooper and trailed after J to Canadian Tire and McDonalds and other places. He had this elaborate plan for the garage that I completely couldn't picture, but he pulled it off and now the windsurfer lives on the ceiling. He also got a peg board and has organized his tools (picture to follow). Guys everywhere will be impressed.

We stopped by to see my parents. I got this cute picture of Maxie:

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Wednesday, April 9


The snow is continuing to melt and we are continuing to see more of our garage from the street. Exciting.

I have a sad life when snow melting is exciting.


Sunday, April 6

Missing Title

Friday night I was looking forward to staying in but that didn't happen. We went for dinner with J's mom and sister and then, since one of J's coworkers "won" tickets to Absolute Comedy, we went with him and his girlfriend and met S&L there. The show was pretty good, definitely some good jokes we've been mentioning since. We were home not too late and in bed soon after.

I keep waking up cold because J ends up with all the covers (he always turns one way and takes the covers with him) so I came up with a genius plan to put the comforter sideways. Friday night was our first night like that. It worked pretty well, but last night it worked great! I had complete coverage all night, even with the cats taking up most of my half of the bed. It was awesome.

After a huge sleep-on yesterday, I went to the mall to return the dress I bought Monday. Thursday after work we'd gone out to a bar downtown with S&L and two of their friends and stopped by the big mall afterwards where I saw a dress that I liked more than the one I bought. So I went and returned it and got a nice shirt instead and picked up the other dress. I think I'm finally happy with it. It will be my dress for C&S's wedding in Italy in May, I think. I still have to find out how formal it will be.

Last night was a surprise birthday party for J's coworker, Luc. Happy birthday, Luc!

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His girlfriend, Steph, put together the whole surprise which worked out really well. J and I rock-paper-scissored to see who got to drink and I won. I had rum punch with grenadine, to remind me of Cuba. It's a good drink. Since the party started so early, we were home relatively early.

Today, J was working in the garage and in the driveway, trying to melt all the snow. I went out and helped a little. It's so nice now that it's sunny and warm out.

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And we have some grass showing now:

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I took a really fun picture of myself reflected in J's sunglasses. It's my new favourite picture of the two of us.

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Thursday, April 3


The wedding show always inspires me to try and sell my wedding dress. A couple of years ago, I took it to a boutique downtown that sells used gowns. They told me to get it cleaned again so I did. That took a long time. And it took me another long time to go back to the boutique. I finally called them today - I couldn't remember if you needed an appointment - and, turns out, they only sell new dresses now. Just my luck. And there's nowhere else in town that sells used dresses either. At least that I could find.

I took a coworker's advice and posted an ad on our internal want ads and have already had three requests to see pictures. I just hope someone buys the dress.

Here are the details so you can pass this along to everyone you can think of. For me.

Fabulous Formals, Size 8.
Strapless, fitted bodice, beaded detail goes from top right across bodice down front left, basket weave back (great for loosening a little for dinner and dancing), minimal train, professionally cleaned - twice, only worn once.

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Front detail:
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