Monday, June 2

Raining on my parade

I'm feeling very much like I'm in a rut. I know that I just took a huge trip and am playing all sorts of sports and there's no way I should be feeling this way, but I am. I'm feeling the days pass by over and over and they all blend into one long super day. I guess you could say I'm in some sort of funk.

To combat this feeling, I'm doing a few things. I've been running twice - once Saturday and once today. And I plan on keeping that up. And I plan on going to the gym again. A month-long hiatus thankfully didn't much affect my body but I don't feel strong and I would like to feel strong.

I've also booked some time off work. Just a week, but a week of nothing. I can do whatever I want and there are certainly things I would like to do so I'm making a list. On my list so far is painting the basement and moving our cell phones from Telus to Rogers. You see how exciting I am? I'm also hoping to get some gardening done. I don't garden so this will be interesting. And maybe the weather will be nice and I can work on my tan. The options are endless. Endless.


Sylverrr said...

working on a tan sounds fabulous. If you would like company I'm your girl! We all go through periods like that, trust me I know, and it sounds like you are on track to do something about it :)
By the way, I think you look great with those purple glasses.

Captain Underpants said...

It's never easy to be back from a fabulous trip! Glad to hear you're not waiting around for it to get worse, as if you ever would! If you want to pop over to the 'Loo you are most welcome here, and depending on your timing you might be in time to catch a party by a lake. There's a futon with your name on it and a cat who would love to park his bum on your chest while you relax over here! tempting, I know.

Take is easy and enjoy the down time.