Tuesday, April 25

the car: she runs

after more than three hours with 6 guys helping, the car finally runs. that's 18 man-hours. but i'll let you in on a little secret: those guys do more standing around than any group of people i have ever known. great guys, don't get me wrong, but lots of standing around. lots of talking about cars. lots of telling of dirty jokes.

this is a picture of j after the car would start and not stall when the gas pedal was pushed:

so he gets in the house after everyone leaves, lies down on the couch, and tells us he's tired. he's spent. this has been weighing heavy on his head for over 2 weeks. i'm guessing he will sleep well tonight. that's my call at least.


Anonymous said...


batman said...

i no longer need a chauffeur!

Anonymous said...

double hooray!