Friday, October 13

eureka - i've got it!

i know what i'm going to do this weekend! i'm going to (finally) make a freezer paper stencil. and you thought i had forgotten about the whole thing. well i haven't.

there is a flickr group dedicated to freezer paper stenciling. you can see so many neat designs. make sure you take a look at the discussions to get instructions and ideas.

OR click on this link for a super helpful tutorial by man duh. i can't believe how well laid out the whole tutorial is, complete with pictures and tips.

so friends, i'm thinking sunday is the day. please email me (myfirstnameATgmailDOTcome) or call if you would like to come. i have the freezer paper, iron, xacto knife and cutting board, paint brushes and limited paint (blue and black only). you need to bring a picture for your stencil (preferably black and white and not too intricate seeing as how this is my first time and likely your first time) and whatever you want that stencil on (shirt, pants, bag, whatever).

sunday. stencils. be there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Do I need to pick up some supplies (other than a clothing item)? Anything? I wouldn't want to come un-prepared...