Monday, October 2

grey's anatomy weekend


j and i worked 9-5 friday and i spent all day miserable from pho nam (remember?) and right near the end of the day, after everyone had left, i found some pretty huge problems with two submissions of mine. yuck! i did everything i could but left without accomplishing anything. that's a great feeling.

so we got home and i went to work on having a nap on the couch. j needed protein so off he went and off i went. he came back with a huge tub of protein and GREY'S ANATOMY SECOND SEASON ON DVD!!! you must realize at this point that i'm in love with grey's anatomy and must suspect that i spent a lot of time this weekend watching my new favourite show. i had already rented the first season a couple of weeks ago and hunkered down and watched 6 episodes that night. j was out trying to see a movie.


saturday was nice. i slept in and when i woke up it was bright and sunny and i was warm and rested and covered in cats. heaven. we ended up doing things. things like going and seeing the cheo dreamhome - holy sh*t! it's enormous! i definitely would not want to live in a house that big though. we went out of curiosity.

and then we went to our little house and found this:

September 30.. 185_8545 (Medium)

a red bike on the roof. sweet!

when we were poking around a mother and daughter pair were walking around some of the lots nearby. the daughter is apparently moving in just up the street, though we heard all this from the mom. the daughter seems lovely (i'm being sarcastic.. she was obviously in a cranky mood and didn't want to be there. hopefully that isn't her permanent mood).

and then i watched 8 and a bit episodes of grey's that night while j went out with the guys to a rock and roll show at barrymore's. sounds like they had fun.


the sleeping in trend continues but this time it was dark and gray when we woke up. we went and saw my parents. apparently my mom broke her wrist. she tripped over some wood (that will eventually be shelves) and could only use her right hand to break her fall because her arthritis is super bad in her left hand. this happened a week ago and i only found out now. yep, way to keep me in the loop, mom.

i was in desperate need of some retail therapy. my version of retail therapy involves being out in the stores and looking at price tags. i don't necessarily need to buy anything, though sunday i did. we went to the mall close to us and i bought two sweaters on the cheap, one black and one dark brown. i was a happy camper.

and then we made spaghetti. there's something so nice about making your own spaghetti sauce and chopping up all the veggies. and then stuffing yourself. mmm.

and to top off my weekend, i had a scrapbooking night with some girls. i got a page done in my wedding album. progress - slow but steady.


Anonymous said...

So, does your new home feature sheet include "built in bicycle storage"?

sorry to hear about your mom's wrist! wrists are a bit like backs - you don't realize just how much you use them until you hurt one. Then you get a reminder every time you do *anything*

Anonymous said...

The CHEO home is right down the road from our house - you should've dropped by! :D