Tuesday, December 19


this time of year, the time leading up to c-day (i like it!), is full full full and you really have to schedule time off. time at home. time not doing anything. so when someone calls/emails you asking if you want to do X you can say no, sorry, i have plans. when really your plans are to wear the biggest comfyest joggers you own while eating a tub of ice cream lying on the couch watching whatever's on tv. at least that's what i would do.

even though i have lots to do. you know, i haven't been keeping up with my knitting or scrapbooking and i'm kinda feeling bad about it and maybe a little overwhelmed. okay, a lot overwhelmed. i feel like there just isn't enough time in the day to get all the things done that i want to have done. but then i shake my head because this stress is completely self-imposed and silly. at least i know it.

i've finally decided what to do about hockey. (maybe i mentioned this already...) i got put on a city hockey team after i thought it was too late but i haven't paid anything and will have to pay $45 for insurance and then $15 a game if/when i play. i've seen this team play and they are about the level i last played at for city. i would need some time to catch up, but afterwards i feel like i would fit in well. so right now i haven't paid anything for that team and am not committed hardly at all. but it's there. i can always decide to play. i think it's a pretty good deal, and $15 isn't that much for a game.

and then there's intramurals. i've decided to sign up for the january - may session. i know i've complained about the intramurals lots but the pros outweigh the cons so i'm going to go for it. so i'll have volleyball monday nights and hockey tuesday nights with possibly some extra hockey thrown in every now and again.

i do, and will still, miss the gym, but it just isn't part of the plan right now. and if this weather keeps up i could be running outside all winter. and i have some yoga shows recorded and find that i'm enjoying them. so there you have it. i finally made a decision and am feeling relieved about it. now to remember my cheque tonight for hockey.

what else do you want to know? i'm tired, exhausted really, i'm a little hungry but no longer stressed. i would still like to get more knitting and more scrapbooking done, but at least i've figured out hockey and now christmas. all that's left is to deal with the mouse situation.

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