Thursday, March 8

no computer for me

you'll have to wait another day (or two) for the next installment of costa rica 2007. i'm sorry, but also relieved that i can post a regular post in the meantime.

so far, the first week back at work has been okay. i've been doing a lot of talking and a lot of working. a lot more talking than usual though. it's funny, some people have all sorts of questions about the trip and then some people didn't even realize i was gone. i obviously don't talk to those people enough!

it's been tiring though and strange to sit in one place for hours at a time. i've been busy. i played volleyball monday night (without a jersey - thanks, k2!), hockey tuesday night, went for coffee last night and am seeing a band play tonight. i'm looking forward to sleeping in. i'm always looking forward to sleeping in.

last night j went to the gym and i went for coffee with tania. i never go for coffee and i'm not used to smelling like coffee so it was a little out of my element. but we went out for pho afterwards and i managed to drag j to walmart so we could pick out some white towels (housewarming gift from GM&GP). they will be washed and then i will have pictures.

speaking of pictures, i've finally uploaded all the costa rica pictures and am slowly getting descriptions writen. i've already received a lot of comments, mostly from people in my groups (i'm part of two project365 groups and these people, seeing as how they post a picture at least every day, are very active and comment lots. i love it) and it's so nice.

this morning i have training and then this afternoon i'll have to workaworka because i'm still catching up. if you're coming out to the live lounge tonight, the show starts at 8pm not 9pm like i told you. 8pm!!

1 comment:

Author said...

I know about the coffee smell - I couldn't figure out why I kept smelling coffee all night... that stuff really gets into your clothes!