Wednesday, April 23

Spring Has Arrived

Spring has officially arrived. I am so surprised with how quickly the warm weather came, but I am delighted. Last week I wore my winter coat to work both Monday and Tuesday. Wednesday I would have worn my spring coat but I couldn't find it in the mad rush to get out of the house in the morning. Turns out I didn't need it. This was the day we went to Hog's Back Falls after work. Hog's Back was beautiful and fun.

Especially fun was the muskrat. I noticed this little guy right near J. I had to yell and yell for him to hear me over the roar of the falls. But when he finally did, he chased that guy down.

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He was able to get a great picture of him:

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It was really nice to take a break from the usual rush to get to work, workworkwork and rush to get home. We got home later than usual but we were happy.

After Saturday's heat, all of our snow is gone (okay, not quite all but I don't care anymore!). J sealed the driveway which took hours and hours (whoever said buying a corner lot was a good idea never sealed the four-car-wide driveway of one.)

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S&L came over in the midst for a bbq lunch and craft fun, the final products I have yet to take pictures of. Her final product was gifted the next day at a baby shower to much oohing and aahing. Feels damn good.

Saturday night was like a date night: dinner and drinks. Specifically, Vietnamese and lots of beer. I was a good little DD and didn't drink, but my friends sure did.

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J started off the night with a Delirium, some ridiculously-high alcohol-content beer and managed to get pleasantly drunk. We managed to still get home not too late. Someone had the rest of a driveway to seal and a hangover to nurse. I slept in.

Once I woke up and got myself dressed and fed (clothed and no longer cranky = necessity for facing the world), I grabbed my book and proceeded to get my very first burn of the year on my neck, shoulders, arms and shins. Awesome! Even though it hurt to sleep.

We spent a good chunk of the late afternoon and early evening with J's family. J was doing "son" things and I was lounging on the deck perpetuating my burn. We also watched a cardinal and a bunny go about their Sunday afternoon business in the backyard. Not together of course.

And then there's the cats. Springtime means shed-time. They are shedding like you would not believe considering they are mostly hairless. And Rolo, the boy cat, is friskier than usual. Poor guy just doesn't get it. I think it's a guy thing though: the warmer weather brings out the short skirts and sandals. For me, for some odd reason, it brings out the urge to clean the house. Spring cleaning? I've turned a blind eye long enough, house, I'll be coming for you.


Captain Underpants said...

Holy moly, I don't remember your driveway looking quite that big! Niiiice. So, which 4 cars are you going to collect?!

I love the muskrat picture! Your local adventures are inspiring. The best we've done here is the opossum and the mega raccoon that must have been 30 pounds...just enormous. Cute, but a total fatty. We caught him chowing down on old birthday cake, so fair's fair I guess.

The only snow I've seen here was a bit trapped under a blanket of leaves, we're well out of snow season. I'm hoping to grow some food this year, so the weather can turn nice overnight any time soon too.

I like your stories!

Sylverrr said...

Love it!

Sue said...

We haven't really had a super warm day yet. Soon I hope!

Our kittehs are shedding like crazy too. And constantly chattering at all the birds. Yup, sounds like spring.