Monday, October 6

More running

So the 5K race went really well. RS and I made our way over in time for race kit pickup. There were three government departments participating. We were given a long sleeved yellow shirt, our timing chips and our bibs then we stood around until the race started. It was windy and cold and even rained for a bit. If I wasn't sick before, I sure would be after.

We debated over how many layers to keep on. I erred on the side of caution and kept on everything (three shirts and a sweatshirt). I was a huge, yellow marshmallow.

We lined up with the other runners in a sea of yellow. A cannon was fired and we ran. The course took us along roads, through parking lots, through the forest single file, along the river and back to the building. I crossed the finish line in just under 28 minutes, being cheered on by L who came to watch and RS who finished a good 5 minutes before me. He actually finished 15th overall.

Here we are, back at the office, giddy to be big yellow monsters in cubicle land:

P365 Day 276 October 2  IMG_3672 (Medium)

It was interesting to run in a small race. There were under 200 people running (almost 500 total for the 5K and the 2.5K walk). Everyone got a door prize (I put my pedometer to use already) and hung around for the awards ceremony afterwards. It was fun.

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