Tuesday, December 9

4th Annual Christmas Cookie Exchange

This year I decided to do two cookie exchanges - one for my friends and one for my baseball girls. Two Sundays ago was the first of the two with the non-baseball girls. There were six of us, all decked out in red, white and green. It was nice having a smaller group - better conversation and fewer cookies (too many cookies and you end up feeling sick).

The boys were in the basement killing zombies and rocking out, while we were drinking wine, munching on cookies and having a good time. The cookies were incredible. Two cookies tied for first place so when the boys came up they weighed in on the voting and SM and JY ended up figuring out a winner.

IMG_4009 (Medium)

Good times.

(Cookie Exchange 2008 - Whole Set)

This past Sunday was the cookie exchange with the baseball girls. Again, there were 6 of us. It was so nice to see the girls again. Lots of the cookies had nuts though so I stuck to three kinds.

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(Sharks Cookie Exchange - Whole Set)

My absolute favourite cookie of the year was JK's mint chocolate chip cookies. JK, you are MY winner!

1 comment:

Captain Underpants said...

Two exchanges! Go you, that's some serious hosting. I was going to say host-age, but then I realize that the word would read hos-tage. Not really what I was going for. Though if I were a hostage, surrounded by cookies and wine seems kind of okay ;-)

Nice work