Saturday, December 20

A week and a bit in pictures

I went to my work's Christmas luncheon. It was at a reception hall down the street. It was incredibly snowy out so the turnout wasn't as great as last year. The food was good though and it was nice to socialize with the people I work with every day.

P365 Day 344 December 9  IMG_4083 (Medium)

L&S hosted their annual Christmas party. J dipped into the red wine and showed everyone up at RockBand.

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SM is a great host - there was lots of food and drinks and music.

P365 Day 348 December 13  IMG_4097 (Medium)

J left Sunday afternoon for a week of training in Markham. I took the opportunity to go to Walmart (J hates Walmart). I drove all by myself (eee!) and roamed around the store. I was able to pick up Christmas presents for my family and didn't punch anyone in the head. Feeling a little more Christmas-y, I decorated the house.

P365 Day 351 December 16  IMG_4110 (Medium)

I wasn't entirely alone this week. Monday night A&S came over for dinner and Wednesday night I went to J's grandparent's house for his aunt and uncle's birthday celebration. There was cake and lots of singing.

P365 Day 352 December 17  IMG_4111 (Medium)

That night, I got home and parked in the road. It snowed a lot and the plow had come by. I went inside, said hi to Sandy, put on my snowpants and my new boots (thanks SJ!) and headed out. Our neighbours are out of town and we agreed to take care of their driveway and in return they've let us use their snowblower. I've never used one before, but I read the instructions and got it working. Our combined driveways are 4 cars wide and 3 cars long. That's a lot of driveway. I was thinking of just doing a little lane so I could get in and out, but a nice guy came by with his huge snowblower and helped me. In an hour the whole thing was done. And my feet were nice and toasty in my new boots.

After parking the car in the garage, I was getting out and snagged my headphones on part of the door. The earbuds ripped right off the wire. I had to root around to find another set so I wouldn't go crazy at work.

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Thursday night after work, I headed into town (away from home) to meet S&L in Chinatown for dinner at Jadeland. It was the most chinese chinese food I've ever had. It was snowing again so driving wasn't the most fun but I got home eventually. Meanwhile J is in Toronto playing with fluffballs. What a tough life.

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All in all, not a bad week. I have really great family and friends - thank you for taking care of me this week.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In weather like this, that big driveway of yours is a bit of a curse! Thank goodness for warm boots and friendly neighbours...