Monday, February 16

2009 is the new 2008

I was speaking of routines and being thrown off. Here are some things that have changed recently, not necessarily throwing me off, but changes nonetheless.

When J got back from Tremblant, we picked up his new glasses. They look good and stop his head from hurting.

Project365 Day 033 February 2, 2009  IMG_4678 (Medium)

To up the nerdiness, he's also getting braces. They're the invisible kind and he'll have them for 7 or 8 months. Nothing compared to my 2 years of hell. Hopefully they will stop his teeth from hurting.

I got a new ring that I absolutely love. I found out it's a Russian wedding ring - it is three silver rings entwined. Extremely fun to play with.

IMG_4680 (Medium)

J and I went for a run outside Saturday. It was -10 but sunny and clear. We didn't go very far and had to stop every time we came to a street because it was mega icy (run run run, stop, J grabs my hand, walk slow on ice, run run run, repeat) but it felt so good to be out running. I've been wanting to run for a while, but with the sick and the weather and everything, it just hasn't happened. I did my pilates DVD afterwards and got the nice burny abs to go with the sore legs.

We celebrated Valentine's Day, which I do not subscribe to, in a non-romantic way.. though I guess there were elements of romance. It was a dinner and a movie night with S&L (date-like and two couples... fine). They brought lasagna and we had salad and garlic bread and raspberry pie. We watched Body of Lies. I wouldn't recommend the movie. I fell asleep (it was late and the movie was dragging on and on) and heard bad reviews from the other three when the movie ended and I woke up.

Yesterday was the So You Think You Can Dance live show. J's sister and mom took me and J's grandma. We did the valet parking - such a good idea and it was so fun seeing the guys run to get the cars. The show was really good. J's mom asked me to point out Nico, the guy who won, but I didn't have to. Every time he was on stage the girls went wild, screaming and shrieking. SJ's ears were ringing the whole time. Good times.

And now we're here. I took some time this weekend to catch up on getting my pictures on Flickr, but still have a backlog. We're starting to think about how we want to organize our spare rooms. It seems silly the way we have them now. I think IKEA may come to the rescue once again. There are trips to IKEA in our future, painting and organizing. Fun.

Next post: update on work.

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