Sunday, February 1


J and I had some time to kill last week (or maybe even the week before) so we wandered through a pet store. We looked at all the birds and lizards and snakes and finally got to the fish. I like that fish are so colourful and different and interesting. Nothing, however, could have prepared me for this fish:

IMG_4627 (Medium)

Oh, how I giggled!

This weekend, so far, has been exactly what I thought it would be: lots of lying on the couch and avoiding shoveling the driveway. I'm spoiled because J's dad actually came over with Bob, his trusty snowblower, and took care of the driveway for me. I had a nice visit with L and went back to doing nothing. I did leave the house to get some Quiznos and a new book to read.

Today is going to be busier though. I have plans to go shopping with SJ and have dinner with J's family and then meet up with my baseball girls to scrapbook... well, they might be scrapbooking. I will be hanging out because I'm nowhere near organized enough to actually do anything in an album. That will come. I have plans to get myself organized and get back in it, but other things keep getting in the way. Like yesterday, I randomly decided that our luggage should no longer live in the spare room closet but in our closet. Why now? Who knows. But it now has a new home. I'm wondering how many things I can change so that when J gets home he won't recognize the place. Hmm....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep 'im on his toes, I say! ;)