Monday, March 31


This weekend was the wedding show. It went remarkably well and passed quickly. My feet aren't even sore today. Amazing! I have to tell you though, I was not looking forward to the weekend at all. I think I've done it one too many times and now it's just work. Work that takes up my whole weekend. At least I get paid.

I managed to squeeze in lots of fun so I don't feel like I was totally cheated out of a weekend. Friday night was relaxing after a long week of work (sometimes 4-day work weeks feel longer than regular 5-day ones) - we stayed in and watched tv. Saturday night we turned off all the lights and the radio we normally have on for Earth Hour and headed to Wellington Gastropub where we met S&L for dinner. The pub was a little tiny thing in a trendy part of town that we hardly ever visit, but it was really neat. It was expensive but totally worth it. I ordered fish for the first time ever at a restaurant and liked it. J sampled some odd beer and topped the night off with a cappucino (or something like that, a latte maybe). And guess who was sitting at a booth right near our table... Seann William Scott, the actor from the American Pie movies and Evolution and a million other things no doubt. I think that's the closest I've been to a celebrity, but I kept my cool and acted like I didn't see him.

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So Seann, if you find this post by googling yourself, (all celebrities do that, don't they? Or do they pay someone to do it for them?) hiiieeee! I saw you at the restaurant Saturday night! What are you doing in this city anyways?


Sunday night I got dropped off just in time to have dinner with J's family before we hopped in the car and went to home-town to see the movie, In Bruges. In Bruges was hardly marketed at all so chances are you haven't heard of it, but do yourself a favour and go see it. It was funny, but be prepared for a lot of swearing and a lot of blood. There were two older woman sitting behind us who, after the movie was over, asked if we liked that kind of movie. They prefaced it by saying that they were old. Poor broads heard there was a movie based in Belgium and wanted to see it because they're from Belgium. It was not a documentary with puppies and sunshine. It was gory and swear-y and darkly funny. Not the kind of movie two grandmothers should go see.

We went to O'Connors after the movie. It's a bar where a bunch of people I grew up with worked when we were still in highschool so being there was strange for me. The place looks a lot different now that I've been away for so long. The beer still tasted the same so that was good. S&L, I'm sorry if I asked questions that were too personal. Next time, just change the subject. I likely won't notice.

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I was pleasantly surprised to wake up this morning without a hangover. Thankfully I had the day off - I needed it. I hardly slept in because I was worried I would miss my dentist appointment, so I got up and caught up on all the new things on the internet I missed over the weekend. I had my dentist appointment. Honestly, the people there are so nice. They asked if I had any vacation or trips coming up and I said I was going to Italy in a month. The hygienist gave me a little travel case with a toothbrush, toothbrush case, toothpaste and mouthwash for my trip. How sweet. They love giving stuff away.

I also had to drop off my passport application today. Did you know that any Joe can be a guarantor as long as they have a valid passport? Crazy. So J was my guarantor but signed in the wrong spot so I had to go and get the forms printed again and come home so he could sign in the correct spot, only to go out again, this time downtown, to drop it all off. Did I mention it was raining? Silver lining: since I filled out the application online, I was given priority status and my number was called before I found a seat in the waiting area. I was in and out in under 10 minutes. It took me longer to walk from my car to the building and back.

So I went shopping. I took the money I made this weekend and bought some new black work pants, a dress (possibly for the wedding in Italy) and work shoes. I came home, totally exhausted but happy.

Until Rolo spilled milk all over the kitchen. Honestly, there was milk everywhere so I threw the cats in the basement (J was down there watching tv) and, by mistake, I slammed the door when I closed it so he thought I was really mad and was scared to come upstairs to see what had happened. I finally got everything cleaned up. I had to rip some pages out of the phonebook lest they smell like sour milk in a couple of days, but who uses the phone book anymore anyways. Hello internet! I topped off my night by watching some tv shows I had recorded while eating chocolate.

Tomorrow is back to work, but at least it's a 4-day week.


Anonymous said...

I will resist making the 'spilled milk' comment.

Sounds like you had an action packed weekend for sure and I'm glad the passport application went smoothly! I did not know that having a passport made anybody guarantor-worthy. I'm very certain that it never used to be that way.

Sylverrr said...

Man that sounds like fun!! Shotty I bumped my Head :( Are you still up for another night of drinking and too impersonal questions? Hehe, I am still good to go whenever you are :)