Friday, August 29

Injury Report

I was talking to a coworker today. She, being older and wiser, talked me into going to see my doctor. I called, they had an opening, so I went over. I definitely have a sprained ankle and a sprained wrist. When I asked her about getting back to running, she pulled out a referral form and told me to get my ankle xrayed in case there's a fracture. No xray for my wrist because I don't need my wrist to run. Fair enough.

I went back to work for a bit because I had some things to do and I had our co-op student's going away party. I went to a clinic and got the xrays done. Because it was a clinic, they have to have a radiologist look over the xrays. I won't have the results until Tuesday or Wednesday.

I went back to work to pick up J. We stopped for more wood at Home Depot on the way home. I lounged around while J worked on the deck. I'm sure he's updated his little blog by now so head over there to see the progress.

I'm looking forward to a busy weekend but not looking forward to a forced break from training. I'll decide soon about this race, whether I sign up before getting the results from the xrays. I will keep you posted. Have a great weekend, whatever you do.

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