Tuesday, September 16

My little J turns 27

J's birthday season was in full swing last week and continues into this week. Friday night was a small birthday bash with S&L and A&S at our place. It was a combined birthday event for J and L and included dinner, cake and games.

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After a walk after dinner, we sat on the new patio furniture outside, even though our legs were getting wet from the rain-soaked chairs.

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Then it was time for Trivial Pursuit, which I didn't do terribly at. It was a late night but a lot of fun.

Sunday afternoon, my parents came over, drank some beer and gave J a new espresso / cappucino maker.

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Later we went to J's parent's place for birthday dinner. He cleaned up there - new sunglasses, a nice shirt, a gargoyle (yet to be named) for the deck and a weather center. We went home happy and well-fed.

The birthday celebration continued into Monday with a dinner at the Keg with over a dozen of J's work friends. It was a not so late night.

You might be wondering what I got J for his birthday. Well, I didn't get him anything. We got the new 50mm lens for the dslr a couple of weeks ago and he bought himself RockBand 2 on Sunday. It's impossible to get things for someone who buys everything themself. Just saying.

Happy birthday, J. Welcome to the world of 27.

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