Wednesday, September 10

Sunday sunday

Sunday was a busy day. I worked the wedding show in the morning then L and I hopped in the car and headed to Hawkesbury for another bridal shower for SW. This time it was A's family who hosted so L and I had only to play nice and make sure S was good.

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There was food and drink and presents and games. I think we stayed about 3 hours then headed back to town. We got all dressed up and headed downtown for L's birthday dinner at Beckta.

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The service was excellent. They would actually come around and fold your napkin while you were in the bathroom. And the bathroom had real towels. I'm telling you, it was a nice nice place. The food was great too - I had salmon and J and I shared the chocolate bomb dessert.

After a long week and a jam-packed weekend, I was exhausted. I made it home without falling asleep but probably only because I was so cold. Once we were home it was game over. I was asleep within minutes.

Happy birthday, L! I hope you had a great day.

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