Tuesday, May 19

End of an era

Today marks the day that my Flickr Pro account expires. I knew it was coming because Flickr sends you gentle reminders that you should buy another Pro account, but it's here. My intention was to switch over to Picasa seamlessly using a neato tool called Migratr. Migratr, friends, does NOT work! Don't even bother trying. When I can't figure something out, I got to J. When J can't figure something out, it doesn't work. End of story.

I'm going to try and start using Picasa more regularly, though that depends on me taking pictures more regularly as well. Yesterday, I went for a solo walk through Vincent Massey park and took lots of pictures. It was a beautiful day and I desperately needed to be alone and to be out of the house. I love my house but I needed out.

Those pictures will be put in Picasa soon (fingers crossed!)

So goodbye, Flickr. We had a good run. I met lots of good people through Flickr and shared thousands of pictures there and on this blog. I'm hoping Picasa will be a fraction as good as you.

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