I was just reading my last post so I know where I left off, something I always do. Anyways, the point is that I noticed my last three posts have all had an exclamation point in the title. That's not exactly my style, but obviously I have things to be excited about. I guess that's a good thing.
Yesterday, in one of the free daily papers, I read that January 24th is the most depressing day of the year. Something to do with the winter blues/blahs, the fact that you get your credit card bill in the mail with all your Christmas purchases on it, and other things. Poo! It's my birthday and I'll cry if I want to, but I will disagree with anyone who says that it's the most depressing day of the year.
I'm also, for the most part, an optimist, so I would be able to look on the bright side of things. And yes, I do have credit card debt this time of year, and yes, I am getting mighty sick of all the gray I see outside BUT I have a good life so I'm happy. Plus, January 24th is the first day of the three quarters of the year that I am a year older than J. He loves that.
We watched neat show about hearing and music. There are people who do not hear music. Music to them sounds like pounding. I can't remember exactly how the person they interviewed described it but it sounded unpleasant. I read earlier that people can become addicted to music, even mega loud music, even if it physically hurts them to listen to it. I think I'm addicted to music, but not loud music. It's weird for our house to be silent - there is usually at least one radio on. We have music in the car and I always have my iPod with me.
The way my job is going these days, I don't use my iPod at work. People are constantly stopping by my cubicle so I never have five minutes to myself. You know what I do? I sing. Not loudly, but out loud usually. I work better when there's music playing. I fall asleep to music. It's everywhere.
But then there are people who never have music playing. Friends of mine, their house is absolutely silent, even though I know they are musical people. I notice when I'm over there and I wonder if they notice the sound when they come to my house.
I wonder if music-addicts are attracted to people like themselves or to silence-addicts. I wonder if that even factors into the whole courting thing. Is it an introvert/extrovert thing? That's something the show never once mentioned. I'm always curious about the introvert/extrovert thing because I don't know which I am. For me it really depends on the situation, but in a course I took recently I learned that it has to do with where you "get your energy" which I don't get, and your internal stimulus level (whether you have lots going on in your head or if you need your environment to be highly stimulating). Interesting stuff, but I can't apply it to myself. At least not now.
So whatever kind of 'vert I am, I'm one that needs music. Music and my depressing birthday I guess.