Monday, February 18

Picture Ketchup

It's been a while since I've posted any pictures and I intend to rectify that.

We got Rock Band a while ago and I've learned that I'm actually decent as a singer. If you know me you probably know that I am terrible with lyrics and don't have a great voice. Rock Band doesn't care! In fact, I rock at rocking!

P365 Day 39 February 8  100_0721 (Medium)

I call my alter ego Pixie. Pixie sings good.

J and his friends tackled the endless set list. On Rock Band, you sit and play all 58-ish songs in one sitting. This takes longer than 6 hours. But they did it and they survived. This picture was taken before the end of the first hour, when I left them.

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I left because I had a party to attend. It was a girl I went to high school with, A, who invited everyone and their dog to her house. I went and saw people I hadn't seen in a long time, including JH. I used to play hockey and trumpet with JH back in the day. It was nice seeing her and everyone else.

P365 Day 40 February 9  100_0724 (Medium)

I have to admit, I was feeling blah. Very blah, but my friends really helped. I received lots of emails and got out of the house lots over the past two weeks. There are also things coming up, like a skiing/snowboarding trip to Tremblant this weekend and a trip to the Abandoned Mine (my post from the last time we went) the weekend after.

And I should mention that, in honour of our upcoming skiing/snowboarding trip, and because of the fact that J lost my old pair, I got a new pair of snow pants. Two pairs, actually. The first are gray and really nice and expensive. But I felt better, more prepared, once we had purchased them. But when we went to another store yesterday, I found a nice pair for less than one third of the price of the other ones. And get this - they're purple! J says I'm going to be the envy of all the girls at Tremblant. I don't know about that but I do know that I smile just thinking about them. Who has purple snow pants?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

6+ hours of rock band? wow.

and btw I wear a watch. Bet you probably knew that already. I don't get twitchy when I don't have it on though. That only happens when I go without checking my email for more than four hours. hahaha... Just kidding. I mean eight.
