Thursday, July 3

Construction and Canada Day

The weather this July 1st was better than in the past who-knows-how-many years. It was sunny and breezy and in the high twenties - beautiful. I rewarded myself with a four-hour lie-in-the-backyard-with-a-good-book. The plan was to bike downtown to take in some of the festivities but I was completely zonked. Instead I had a nap and afterwards we had S&L over for dinner. We walked around the neighbourhood in search of fireworks and were not disappointed.

P365 Day 183 July 1  IMG_2790 (Medium)

A lot of our area is still under construction which means that there are random construction vehicles scattered around. I cannot pass up an opportunity to get in one so when we came across a pretty small diggy guy, I jumped in. It had an amusement-ride type bar thing that I lowered over myself. It was so small that while sitting there you have to straddle a jerry can at your feet. But I loved it!

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Those construction vehicles can apparently be pretty cheeky too.

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It reminds me of two things: 1) the I'm a little teapot song, the part about tipping it over and pouring it out, and 2) I'm sure you've seen this teeshirt that biker guys wear. The one that says: If you can read this, the b!tch fell off. I do love me some construction vehicles. The wee-er the better.


Author said...

LOL - you look like you're having a great time! :D

Captain Underpants said...

Well that's something I didn't know about you...wee construction vehicles! huh!

We spent canada day shopping for used bikes and we watch the top third of the fireworks from our local park (we were standing in our front yard). So un-ottawa and we were so happy for the elbow room!
