Monday, July 7

The usual weekend update

This past weekend was a little strange because J left Saturday morning for a cottage party with the car. I've been away the past 3 weekends and desperately needed some time at home, but time at home WITH car is much different than time at home WITHOUT car.

It was definitely nice to wake up and not have anything planned. I went for a bike ride around the neighbourhood.

P365 Day 187 July 5  IMG_2823 (Medium)

I can go farther on a bike than on my feet so I was able to go down streets I've never been down before. I got to peek at other people's houses and backyards and gardens... something I love doing. After 15K though it was time to head home. At home I cooked myself some KD and read my book out in the sun.

SJ came over bearing a bright blue slushy to hang out for a while. Then we went to test drive a City Golf. Pretty nice little car but after some internet research, I found out that the gas mileage isn't as good as our current car, the Mazda 3, or as good as the Yaris. I guess we won't be getting one of those.

Our whole goal for the day was to go shopping. We finally made it to the mall sometime after 8pm so we didn't have much time. We both found some things but the whole trip felt rushed. We have to go back sometime soon since everything is on sale.

I was shown some Oakley sunglasses and now want a pair. Oakleys are expensive though and I would need a bigger purse to lug them around with everything else that I currently carry with me. I need some more time to think about such a big purchase.

After I was dropped off at home, I spent the night watching tv with the cats. Sunday played out much the same except exchange running for biking. I'm toying with the idea of running a 1/2 marathon near the end of September. I've made myself a training plan with this past week being week 1 in a 12-week lead-up to the race. 12 weeks is just long enough to build the distance up to 21.1 K so I started with running at the gym twice last week, the bike ride Saturday and then an extremely hot 6 K run yesterday. Extremely hot in that I thought I was going to puke right afterwards but instead I ran the water as cold as it went and lay in the bath for a while then showered and was still sweating for about an hour. Gross. But I made it 6 K and actually felt pretty good.

The rest of the day was pretty lazy: I watched some tv, I vacuumed, I looked around on the internet. J finally got home just after 8pm. We talked for a bit and then I took the car and got some groceries. And that was my weekend.

This is probably going to be a pretty busy week and weekend with lots going on but that seems to be the way of the summer.

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