Tuesday, July 29

Cottage Weekend

Work has been hectic with everyone taking holidays so it was super nice to have Friday off to go up to the cottage a day before our friends came. We went up Thursday night after a long day at work. I almost managed to stay awake for the whole 2-hour trip. I could make it to and from Kingston no problem, but the same time to the cottage is killer.

Anyways, we got settled in and watched tv and read. We slept in until the crack of 11:30 as J likes to say. We did the usual cottage stuff: J windsurfed and I read, we went into town for groceries, and lunch. We ran 6K and then we waited around for our friends to show. The finally did a little before 9pm. We had this weekend planned weeks ahead of time. It's the second year in a row A&S and S&L have come to the cottage for a weekend.

We had a bonfire Friday night complete with two guitars and songs that no one knew the words to... we have to work on that.

Saturday was a typical cottage day. There was sailing and windsurfing and tanning and eating.

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The weather wasn't the greatest so we had to use towels to keep warm while trying to soak up some sun.

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We went out looking for turtles. A and I paddled in the canoe while everyone else was in Flippy with the electric motor. We were not disappointed.

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We decided to have our dinner of chicken and ribs on the fire. It went well, surprisingly. And almost everyone got to chop wood for the immense fire needed to have enough coals to cook 40 pounds of meat.

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To cap off the night, a family of pre-teen ducks came around. I tried to feed them bread but they were having none of that. They sounded like baby birds (and then I realized that they are baby birds) chirping away the whole time.

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Sunday was a pretty lazy day. I definitely wanted more sleep that I got after the beer-filled night before. We took our time packing everything up and headed back into town in the early afternoon.

I wasn't feeling the best so I napped for a bit and then laced on my shoes to run 12K. There was a huge storm and J said I was safer running through the community instead of on the roads around so I ended up doing about 10.5K in the rain and lightning and thunder. It was not the best run I've had but it was interesting with all the weather happening around me. A good end to a great weekend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you know that it's a successful cottage weekend when you want to start planning the next one even before you get back home.

That campfire photo is great, like everyone was posing for it with their 'sears catalogue' faces on :-)