Thursday, July 17

HOPE-ing and Cottage Partying and Finishing Up the Weekend

Let me start this post by saying that our last partyers Friday night left at 3am. We arrived at the beach at 7:30am so neither of us got much sleep.

This past Saturday was the HOPE Beach Volleyball tournament.

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J's games started at 8 so we were there bright and early.

I played on a corporate team with T and C. We didn't do so well, but had fun.

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J's team did really well. They were in the competitive division and won all five round-robin games. They lost in the court final.

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After 10 hours of being at the beach, we headed back home for quick showers and then drove an hour to my family's annual cottage party. It's always nice seeing my family but I think the highlight of the night was when Kong, my cousin's pug, was shown a fish and he started licking it. Hilarious!

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I lasted until 1:30am or so and then went and collapsed in bed. I got up kinda early Sunday morning, J was woken up later. We had to rush back into town so J could make the Rapids (the new Lynx) game. I had BC's wedding shower to go to. The wedding shower was fun - lots of great food, the games weren't too cheezy and I got to see all the girls. I think the highlight (sorry girls!) was JP's bunny.

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After the baseball game and the shower, we had a BBQ at L&S's place. We got home at 10:30pm, more exhausted than I can remember being, and went to bed. That was probably the busiest weekend we've had... ever. I'm very much looking forward to this weekend with nothing planned. But first I will continue to update you on the goings-on of this week. Soon.

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