Wednesday, July 23

Happy birthday, Little Brother

My little brother, who isn't little at all, turned another year older yesterday. Here we are at a wedding about a month ago.

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He has european hair, that a prospective new boss told him to cut but his super cute girlfriend likes. He drives me crazy because he's terrible at staying in touch and not very talkative when he does make contact. He was always the brother that all my friends liked and they would beg to come over and "play" at my house. He's done so many stupid things over the years and asked me to cover for him more times than I can count. He had better watch out when his time to walk down the aisle comes.

No matter, he's still my brother and still gives me the hugest bear hug whenever we see each other. He has a way of making people laugh and making people love him. Hopefully his 26th year will be his best yet.

Happy birthday, little brother. I love you but you're still a jerk.

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