Wednesday, April 29

Getting Places

When I first wrote about being pregnant I said that I wouldn't complain about it on this blog. I'm sticking to that, but I'm going to talk about some pain I've been having, not because I want you to feel sorry for me, but because I want to document it. I use this blog all the time to go back and see what I was doing and this is no different.

I've mentioned before that I was seeing a massage therapist because of some pain in my leg. For the past month, my right quad has been hurting and my doctor is convinced that the extra weight I've gained is pushing on the nerves that run along my spine. The nerve that goes to my right quad is being especially effected. I tried massage and got very little relief and decided to go back to the doctor when I was having more intense pain more often. I now have a prescription for physio, which, like massage, is covered under my health care plan. I was recommended a physio therapist in my neighbourhood and went yesterday to speak with him. I have my first appointment booked for next Monday.

That's not all. After seeing my doctor, she thought that maybe I should get an ultrasound on my quad in case the problem isn't in my bck but in my leg. Her admin called me and set up the appointment. With non-pregnant people they would x-ray the back, but an ultrasound is safe for me and baby so that's the route we will go. I have that appointment this afternoon.

The leg pain doesn't seem like a typical pregnancy symptom and was really getting to me. I can handle the nausea and the crying and the food aversions/cravings. I can handle the symptoms that everyone seems to have, to some degree. But this isn't something that everyone seems to have and it's been affecting my ability to do any kind of physical activity and is now waking me up at night. Believe me when I say that I need my sleep!

After learning about the ultrasound and making the physio appointment, I'm feeling much better. Kind of like how I was feeling at the beginning of the massage treatment - optimistic. I'm optimistic that it's possible something can be done and I can get on with being pregnant and having the regular pregnancy symptoms. I can get back to going to the gym and running without feeling like I'm killing the muscles in my leg. In time anyways.

We're getting places in good time.

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